How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Buddhism for practical life/Sermons of The Supreme Buddha (part 1)

     Buddhism for practical life/Sermons of                        The Supreme Buddha


For practical life, Buddhism is the path of action that can be followed in association with Buddhism for the betterment of life. Buddhist philosophy contains instructions on a number of such actions. It is being revealed that Buddhist advice is the only help in the world today that can make the practical life of any person in the world a success.

It is timely to examine how practical life can be meaningful in the light of Buddhism.

The primary goal of a Buddhist is Nibbana. Life is the beginning of that journey towards Nirvana. Life represents the worldly party and the nirvana transcendental party. Therefore, Buddhism always points out the practical order of development of material life and the development of the afterlife on that basis. In this sense, Buddhism is a very rich and noble way of life.

We live in a world ruled by science and technology. Many people are reluctant to accept anything for no scientific reason. Buddhism is the only religion and the only philosophy that can face this nature. This is because what Buddhism reveals is simply the truth. Just as we understand the facts of the world of science and technology in terms of scientific truths, we can understand the absolute truth in the teachings of Buddhism in terms of the doctrine of cause and effect.

Buddhist philosophy is the truth. Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions. Adaptation to the Buddhist philosophy gives rise to the 'Samma Ditti'. Directing it gives you the ability to pick and choose the good and the bad. Since this 'awakening' is the basic feature of Buddhism, it is the Buddhist philosophy that becomes compatible with the modern world. Aloko Udapadi is the symbol of Buddhism.

The order of personal development is the threefold discipline of virtuous sila, samadhi and wisdom. This methodology is one of the best in the world. Its contents are the eight foremost teachings of right view, right mind, right word, right action, right life, right endeavor, right mindfulness, right concentration, as well as the first teachings that lead to the improvement of worldly life.

According to Kamasukallikanu yoga and Attakilamathanu yoga, a large number of people in the world today have been devastated by survival. Illnesses that can never be cured, boundless desires that do not subside, and the dissatisfied nature and extremist feelings that arise as a result are burning people. But according to Buddhism, those who have developed a middle life precept are well off. Digasiri suffers. Happiness in this world.Happiness in this world. Then the morality of personal development emerges based on the three virtues of Dhana, Sila and Meditation. It is the strong desire that has caused great destruction to man. Almsgiving has a central place in the removal of those harmful emotions. Almsgiving is giving up. It is giving up one's wealth by giving up desire. The concept of giving wealth to the needy without accumulating it was first introduced during the time of Buddhism.Almsgiving subdues the greedy mind that reigns in the mind. To become accustomed to giving through a doctrine that is fundamental to a comfortable life, to a family, to a village, to a region, to a country and to a world. It is no secret that the unsatisfactory nature of the seizure of all resources has also become the setting for the world to catch fire. Second, the virtuous principle helps to make worldly life more relaxed and moral. Its basic meaning is personal discipline.

Following the virtuous principle, the three doors of mind, body and word are clarified. That moderation is fundamental to one's own well-being and the well-being of others. The basic tenets of the two types of rites as lay clergy are the five rites. It is the basic symbol of Buddhism. One can become a Buddhist by observing the Panchasila with the blessings of the Triple Gem. 


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