How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Life Changing Buddha Quotes



▶"The pit digger controls the water. The arrow maker straightens them. The carpenter dominates the wood. The wise man has dominion over his own mind"-Dhammapada 6: 5

▶"Compassion is not a religious matter, it is a human business, it is not a luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, it is essential for human existence"-Dalai Lama.

▶“Everything we have comes from our thoughts. We build the world from our thoughts. Speak or act with a pure mind, an inseparable joy like your shadow will follow you"- Buddha Dhammapada. 

▶"Not even God can turn the victory of one who has defeated Him into defeat"

▶"The fool who recognizes his folly is wise. But a fool who thinks he is wise is really a fool"

▶ “We are all the result of what we thought. If a man speaks cunningly or acts cunningly, the pain subsides. If you do it with a pure mind, happiness will not follow you like a shadow"

 ▶"It is the mind of a man, not his friends or foes, that drives him to the paths of evil."

 ▶"My teaching is only to translate suffering and suffering" - Buddha.

▶"Hate does not stop with hatred. Hate stops with love. This is a very old law." - Buddha.

▶“Most people fall from trees, fly, fly through the air, crawl and eventually fall to the ground. The others, on the other hand, are like stars; They follow their steadfast path, and no wind can reach them, for they carry their law and purpose within them. ”- Siddhartha.

 ▶"Like beautiful flowers, in color, but without fragrance, they are sweet words to those who do not act in accordance with them"


▶"No one but us can save us. No one can and should not. We must travel by ourselves"- Buddha.

▶"There are two mistakes one can make along the path of truth; Do not go to the end, do not go towards it" - Buddha.

▶"Reflection is the path to immortality (nirvana); Lack of reflection, the path to death"

▶“Practice your words, practice your thoughts, do not hurt anyone. Follow these hints faithfully and you will continue on the path of the wise" -Dhammapada 20: 9.

▶“Disciples, there are two things to avoid: a life of luxury; It is low and useless. A mortal life; It is useless and useless. ” -Sidartha Gautama. 

▶"wake up! Never be careless. Follow the law of morality. The virtuous person lives happily in this world and the next"- Dhammapada (V168).

▶"The greatest victory is the victory of oneself" - Buddha.

▶"Of course we live happily. If we refrain from persecuting those who persecute us, yes, if we live among the people who persecute us, we refrain from persecuting ourselves." -Dhammapada.

▶"Just as a candle does not glow with fire, so man cannot exist without a spiritual life."

▶"Do not hurt others with things that hurt you" - Buddha.

▶"An emotional and tearful student asked, "Why so much suffering?" Suzuki Roshi replied, "No reason." Shunriu Suzuki

 ▶"The best virtue followed by the wicked is the love of good"- Buddha.

▶Pain is unavoidable but suffering is not essential. "No matter how small the wish, it will keep you tied up like a calf." -Dhammapada 20:12.

▶"What we think becomes us." 

▶“If you want to know the past, look at your present as a result. If you want to know your future, look at your present, that is the reason ”- Buddha.

▶"Do not waste time on futile things without dwelling on foolishness" - Buddha. 

▶"Aggis is not insulted and mocked because a rock does not move with the wind" - Buddha. Chapter Six Dhammapada.

▶"Better than a thousand empty words, one word that brings peace."

▶"The mind is everything. What you think becomes you." - Buddha. 

▶"Today I'm lucky, I woke up and I'm alive. I have this precious life and I will not waste it. I do not believe in the fate that befalls people even if they work for it. But I believe in the fate that will befall them if they do not act." - Buddha.

▶"No matter what words we speak, they must be carefully chosen by those who listen to them, for they will influence for good or bad." - Buddha.

▶"Peace comes from within. Do not look outside." - Buddha.

▶“Just as fresh milk does not suddenly turn sour, so bad fruits do not come suddenly. His hatred is hidden."- Dhammapada 5:12

▶"Be your own lamp. Take care of yourself. Hold fast to the truth like a lamp. Hold fast to the truth as a refugee ”- Buddha. 

▶“Fearful man seeks refuge in mountains, sacred forests, or temples. However, in such tents they are useless. For wherever he goes his desires and sorrows will come with him."- Dhammapada.

▶"Do not waste time, do not try to change anyone. You cannot change even those you love… You can only change yourself ”- Buddha. 

▶"Five things to do before getting out of bed: Say thank you for a new day, think about your intentions for the day, take five deep breaths, smile for no reason, and forgive the mistakes you made yesterday."


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