How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

What is Nibbana preached by Gautama Buddha

What is Nibbana preached by Gautama Buddha


Nirvana (Nirvana) is the highest Dharma that Buddhists aspire to. Nirvana is the extinction of lust, hatred and delusion by a person. This can be confirmed by any Tripitaka sermon on Nibbana.

The love and attachment to earthly pleasures can be called lust. Willingness to grasp the images, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and intentions that are constantly present and present in these senses: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind. The intense desire to get them back can be called lust or lust.

Anger is the reluctance or anger towards something that one does not like or the person who opposes it.


Moha is the pursuit of salvation or consolation through unscriptural means. It is a delusion or delusion to wish for eternal comfort through open peace or belief in God, such as a dog or a cow. As long as this defilement dharma is firmly in the mind, the animal prolongs its life by being born and dying. So, even if one practices these defilements, he will realize the sublime 'Nibbana'.

One who wants to realize Nirvana must first come to the correct realization that this world is miserable. Otherwise he will not be able to understand the need for Nibbana. When Sumedha was an ascetic, he possessed the wisdom to attain Nirvana, but due to the immense compassion he bestowed on all living beings, he was determined to attain enlightenment and sought definite commentary.

From then until the coronation of Siddhartha, he came in search of enlightenment, suffering immensely, donating not only blood but also his body. He enjoyed unlimited pleasures during his reign as Prince Siddhartha. But he saw in wisdom the instability or impermanence of pleasure. Therefore, considering the pleasures as a morning commotion, he went in search of restraint. He suffered so much that he could not even imagine leaving anyone to seek Nirvana.

Wisely realizing that inappropriate enjoyment or suffering is inauspicious, he followed the practice of meditation and attained Nirvana, the liberation from all sorrow. Having experienced such limitless pleasures and boundless sufferings for himself, he realized the healing of Nirvana and preached its value to others. That's the way it is. Since the path of Dhamma that he preached is still vivid and timeless today, anyone has the opportunity to inquire and understand with wisdom.

For that 

Must have confidence and need in oneself. Understanding that Sasara is sad. There must be a strong desire to get rid of this grief. We must come to the firm belief that this sorrow can be eradicated only by coming to the path of Dhamma It is within this Sambuddha Sasana that one should come to believe that Nirvana should be realized. The superstition that one can attain Moksha by indulging in affluence which is considered to be very low by the Buddha should be separated from beliefs.

Nibbana, the liberation from this state, must be achieved by removing the attachment to everything. It is the only eternally provided Dharma, free from all suffering. Nirvana is the only way to get rid of samsara which is the nature of sorrow. Nirvana is a dharma that cannot be expressed in words and can only be fully understood by seeing (obtaining). The following are the natures of Nirvana.

Infinite Bliss is an objective Dharma (not emptiness of nothing). It is a Dharma that has no origin or demise because it is eternal. That is, it is a state of zero in four ways (there is no, there is not, there is not, there is not, there is not). That is the bliss of not experiencing. It is a dharma that does not exist in this world or in any other world or direction.

It is a dharma that has no place for many animals, even though it is the abode of many animals. It is a Dhamma which is absolutely blissful without any cure for oneself. It is a Dhamma which can be seen only in the path knowledge. (There is no difference between Nirvana seen innumerable years ago and Nirvana seen on the throne)


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