How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

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It is difficult to understand this trinity for people who have gone to the extremes of enjoying temporary worldly pleasures. But that is the reality of the world. Understanding that, there is no method in Buddhism to obtain happiness other than Nirvana, which is achieved after completing this journey of suffering and suffering. So this trinity of anithya, dukkha and anatma should be understood.

The three characteristics can be pointed out as a doctrine that all Buddhists should immediately understand. That is because we all already belong to the three characteristics. But what are the three characteristics in today's society? Having people who do not understand is not enough for the name of Buddhist. The simple meaning of "Buddhist" is "intelligent".

1) Impermanence(anithya)

Impermanence(anithya)is the first of the three characteristics. Impermanent means not permanent. That is, there is no permanent or permanent being or object in the world. An example can be given as follows. "You decorate with various colors the house that you build to be permanent." But that will soon change. Thus you will paint the house twice or three times a year or more. But it cannot be maintained permanently. Will change again and again. Will become unstable.

The first step of the three characteristics is impermanence(anithya). Even if there is a dharma that arises from doing a certain reason, when that reason disappears, those dharma will disappear. So impermanence(anithya) means that it changes from moment to moment and ceases to exist. For example, the images we see with our eyes are different. Every moment will change. So are the sounds heard by the ear. Various. Different from each other. This will affect our lives in the same way. The first of the three characteristics or "Anithya" can be understood through the understanding of this difference.

2) Dukkha.

The second of the three signs means “dukkha”. Grief needs no definitions. Suffering is thought to be happiness in worldly life. All dharmas that suffer from the aforementioned impermanence are miserable. Accurate examples of this suffering have been mentioned in Buddha's first Damasak Sutra.It goes like this. All these things of separation are sorrows.

Jatipi dukkha, jarapi dukkha, vyadhipi dukkha, makarampi dukkha, appiyehi samipayogo dukkha, piyehi vippayogo dukkha, etc. indicate that all these things are sufferings such as the filthiness of the race, the union with the evils, the separation from the pleasures. But nowadays, some people understand about this sadness only after reaching that situation. "An example of this is the crying of children, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends after someone's death."

It can be attributed to the fact that they did not realize that they would inherit that grief. Being unmoved by the eight worlds of gain, loss, good, bad, reproach, praise, suffering, and happiness can also be defined as the understanding of "dukkha".

3) Anatma.

Anatma” is the third of the three characteristics, anatma means that there is no one or thing that can be called mine. In Buddhism, Anatma is mentioned like this. "That the animate and inanimate beings and objects existing in the world come into being and perish." Buddhism has shown that this process itself causes suffering. This is caused by the wrong self-view that someone or something that does not belong to oneself is one's own.

This is caused by the wrong self-view that someone or something that does not belong to oneself is one's own. Despite various beauty treatments to keep the body uniform, skin wrinkles, hair graying, teeth falling out cannot be stopped. This is done because the body is thought to be mine. It is a temporary cure. Absolute healing can only be achieved when the feeling that I am mine is reduced. Thus the realization that there is no thing or person that I am mine can be introduced as anathma.

In this way, through the three characteristics, it is shown that there is nothing permanent and permanent in the world and the one who does not expect such impermanence will be sad and also in that place of impermanence and sorrow, I and mine cannot be said (anatma). All Buddhists should understand this doctrine. Through that you can get absolute healing or nirvana. 


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