
Showing posts from August, 2022

How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

How to control anger according to Buddhist psychological teachings

The whole world is paying great attention to 'health'. It is also seen that nowadays psychiatrists and psychologists pay a lot of attention to the mental health of the individual. Factors such as the influence of mental nature on a person's physical health, the relationship between body and mind can be the reasons for this. Anger is a hotly debated topic when it comes to personal mental health. Anger is a negative emotion in the mind.Anger leads to the weakening of a person's mental health and thus causes much destruction. Accordingly, the need for some techniques and exercises to control and reduce 'anger' has become more prominent in today's society. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to draw the reader's attention to Buddhist teachings to control anger. Buddhist psychology teaches that 'anger' represents the dosa of the main evil root and is a negative emotion. There are many factors that cause anger. The effect of these factors may v

What are the five precepts - Five precepts of buddhism

Before performing penance, one should protect the three doors of mind, body, and speech and respect the three jewels of Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha.  There is an order of penance. It is important for all Buddhists and non-Buddhists to know. It is possible for oneself to perform penance. If not, he can invite the bhikkhu to establish himself in the Panchasheela.  We should first place both hands on the forehead three times, Sadu! Sadu! Sadu!!  Along with that, the worship text should be recited three times. Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa meaning May my worship be to that blessed arahath Lord Buddha! After worshiping, one should stay in refuge. This is also known as the refuge of the three, the position of Tisarana. Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha are these three. There is an order in taking refuge in the Trinity. It is as follows.  Buddhang Saranang Gachchami Dhamman Saran Gachami Sang

Examples from monks for lay life

Among the fourth group of Buddhists, monks are considered to be the main group.  Especially the layman who guides himself to make his own progress Monks were considered friends. The guidance of the monk was obtained not only from his sermon, but also by looking at his lifestyle and learning from it. The layman who often associates with the monks who have a close relationship with the temple even today takes examples from the life of the monks to prepare their lives.  Although the ancient monastic way of life has not been completely preserved today, certain high qualities are still preserved in the monastic community. Caring for the elderly can be taken as such a high quality that has been in practice since ancient times, from which the layman can take examples. The order of seniority in the monk community is determined not by date of birth but by date of ordination and initiation. Seniority among novice monks is considered according to the date of ordination. An initially ordained novi

Buddhism for a good family life

Buddhism can be introduced as a social philosophy that has minimal pursuits of equality, which has a scientific background that is ethical as well as ethical. In order to understand the human value of the society as well as morality, the sculpture of the space can be appreciated from another angle. When the society moves forward based on narrow attitudes and ideas, the morality in that society will be eliminated. It is also inevitable that an environment will be created that tends to the 10 deadly sins by aspects such as hatred and revenge. Human relations must be strengthened in order to save humanity in such a situation. In Buddhism, kinship as a method of strengthening human relations gives meaning to family relations and marriage and related counseling has also been given. Kinship, marriage is a behavioral arrangement that strengthens human relationships. Family is a social organization with multiple kinship relationships and can also be defined as an extended human unit. Every per

Buddhist advice on earning and consumption

Buddhism is not a religion that ignores the worldly life. Buddhism has not forgotten the layman who spends his life feeding his wife and children while engaging in the ways of making money. Therefore, the teachings of Buddha constantly include instructions to make the domestic life better. Among the factors necessary to lead a successful lay life, wealth takes the main place. That is why it is mentioned in Buddhism that having enough wealth is happiness. In order to get that happiness, a person needs to be engaged in some kind of work. It is not mentioned in the Buddha's Buddhism that the Lord Buddha preached that one should not think of making one's prosperity unrighteous. In the Vyaggapajja Sutra preached for laymen, there are mentions of several jobs that can be righteously engaged, among them agriculture, trade, cattle management, security service, government service and other technical skills can be mentioned.  One can do a job in an unrighteous way, for example, even thou

Buddhism and the environment

Environment is the number one important factor in practical life. Not only man but every animal cannot expect a life without the environment. Air, water, trees and plants feed all animals through this and it is difficult for any animal to sustain life without it. Buddha spent most of his life in conflict with the natural environment. Likewise, environmental objects are also used as metaphors in sermons. Among these, closeness to flowing rivers, fields, rafts, farmers, cattle, and trees are very important. Especially in the Theragathas and Theragathas, the environment is very beautifully praised stories and news, along with the Dhamma facts such as spreading in a suitable environment, attention to how heat, cold, low population increase affect the functioning of the mind. It has been shown that no man has the right to destroy the trees and how to preserve them and the good results that come from it. Similarly, the manner in which King Ashoka of India, who followed them, worked for the g

Best buddhist practices for beginners

Correct practice for beginners The first thing we need to do is to relax the mind because we are typically in such an emotional mess or are so intensely engaged with affairs. Then, and only then, is there any chance of understanding the character of the immediate experience. Nearly all of Buddhism's main meditation techniques are built on the twin tenets of bringing the mind into balance and obtaining understanding of its nature. The Buddha taught that we begin by becoming attentive of the same mechanism that keeps us alive—the breath—in his own speech on the issue. Our obsessions with attachments, prejudices, and phobias can fade away when we pay close attention to the breath and keep our focus there. We eventually come to understand that this mental stillness, this calm awareness without a particular focus, is the foundation of consciousness itself. As one continues to practice, one expands mindfulness to include the seated body, the moving body, the thinking mind, the attitudes


Not every marriage involved a religious ceremony. Independent of any Jewish tradition and existing long before Christianity and Islam, Buddhism accepted marriage without claiming to have created it.Since marriage was a custom that predated religion, no one religion can rightfully claim ownership of it. Marriage was not invented by religion. It took an already-existing institution, turned it into a sacrament, and imposed its own regulations, including prohibiting marriage to someone of a different religion. Happily, many of these outdated and repressive guidelines for marriage imposed by religion have been abandoned as our peoples' freedoms increased. Marriage has been honored by all religious traditions because it does have a spiritual component. I have officiated at numerous Buddhist weddings, so I am aware of the difference between marriage and commitment. The profound beauty of a wedding ceremony cannot be compared to other long-term commitments one makes, such, for instance, co

Buddha advice on finances and time management

Even though the use of money is not a matter of religious importance, Buddhism has preached a method to solve various problems that arise in the luxurious existence of the lay society. Poverty is misery. Poverty is the cause of this sorrow. It is pointed out that every person can free himself from poverty and become a rich person by using four Vedas such as Uttana Sampada, Raksha Sampada, Kalyana Mittata, Samajivikata etc. Financial management Buddha preached an economic method of financial management. according to which one divides one's income into four parts and keeps one part for consumption, two parts for investment in one's industries and the fourth to be used in case of disaster. Here, the advice given to use both parts for new investments and save the fourth part is a characteristic of good financial management. By keeping money deposited to be used in case of calamity, the world can reduce the tendency to go into debt. The Sigalovada Sutra also mentions an explanati

Buddhist advice on marriage and divorce

  Marriage is typically understood to be a lifelong partnership between two people. The Buddhist perspective on marriage is fairly open-minded. There are no religious requirements in Buddhism that require a person to be married, unmarried, or live a celibate life. Furthermore, there are no regulations requiring Buddhists to get married, have a certain number of kids, or have children in order to engage in consensual and healthy sex. Buddhism does not view marriage as a religious obligation, but as something that is wholly personal and unique. Buddhism gives each person the ability to make their own choices for all marriage-related matters. Buddhism views marriage as only a social practice that was developed by humans for their own enjoyment and to set human society apart from that of animals. That does not negate the significance of marriage in our lives and communities, though. What advantages do happy marriages have? Marriage keeps the procreation process in good order and harmony. A

5 Ways to improve relationships according to Buddhist advice

The pursuit of enlightenment, or the understanding of one's actual nature as it relates to the fundamental reality of All That Is, is the central aim of Buddhism. While many people may intellectually comprehend this, it can be difficult to live from this place in an integrated way. However, adhering to the Buddhist path can make many aspects of life much easier. Here are five ways that adhering to fundamental Buddhist teachings can enhance your relationships: 1. You Make a Better Partner and Friend You'll be a much better friend and partner if you begin a relationship already determined to be as calm, tranquil, and drama-free as you can be. Everyone wants to be around people who are kind, compassionate, and less prone to being overcome by bad thoughts and emotions, which is something that a Buddhist practice helps you become. 2. Reduced tension and mental chatter Buddhist practices like meditation and mindfulness make it easier for us to connect with our actual selves and make

History of the Buddha statue

During the Lord Buddha's lifetime, at the strong request of Ananda Thera, a Bodhi tree was planted and an opportunity was provided to worship in his absence. With the Buddha's passing away, his relics were enshrined and the stupa was built. It was during the reign of King Kanishka of the Kushan dynasty in the first century AD. And also Mahayana Buddhism began to be nourished by receiving the Greek language. As a result, the art of idolatry evolved under different traditions. Therefore, these traditions are divided into four main parts. Classification by tradition The Gandhara tradition The Mathura tradition Amaravati tradition  The Gupta Tradition  Kandy tradition  The Gandhara tradition Gandhara traditional idols were created by mixing Greek and Gandhara traditions. Buddha statues were created to reflect the spiritual qualities of Lord Buddha, such as kindness and mercy, using the shape of the god statues of Apollo, the Greek god at that time. Some of the special features foun

10 Basic Buddhist beliefs

  1) The people performed puja for the bodhi tree, which was the shelter of Lord Buddha during his enlightenment. 2) With the adoption of Buddhism, people's way of thinking may have gradually changed. As a result, the understanding of merits and demerits among people grew. With the regular virtues of the layman, he was anxious to establish a practice in his life that was separate from murder, theft, adultery, lying, and drinking alcohol. 3) After the establishment of Buddhism, Buddhists began to involve monks in religious ceremonies for special occasions in lay life. For example Births, marriages, sicknesses and deaths etc. The reason for this is that the beliefs of the Buddhists about their religion have been developed from generation to generation. 4) When Buddhists go out of their homes in the morning, they bow down to the Buddha and take blessings and heal their minds and engage in their activities. When visiting a temple, Buddhists do not forget to ask the monks to tie a pirit