How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Buddhism and the environment

Environment is the number one important factor in practical life. Not only man but every animal cannot expect a life without the environment. Air, water, trees and plants feed all animals through this and it is difficult for any animal to sustain life without it. Buddha spent most of his life in conflict with the natural environment.

Likewise, environmental objects are also used as metaphors in sermons. Among these, closeness to flowing rivers, fields, rafts, farmers, cattle, and trees are very important. Especially in the Theragathas and Theragathas, the environment is very beautifully praised stories and news, along with the Dhamma facts such as spreading in a suitable environment, attention to how heat, cold, low population increase affect the functioning of the mind.

It has been shown that no man has the right to destroy the trees and how to preserve them and the good results that come from it. Similarly, the manner in which King Ashoka of India, who followed them, worked for the good of the countrymen by setting up stone inscriptions, and the stories of kings like Buddhadasa in Sri Lanka reflect how Buddhist concepts affected the governance of the state.

Environment implies a composition of five spheres. These are the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, vegetation and biosphere. Currently, various researches have been carried out on how the behavior of humans that collide with these lower spheres will happen.

The environmental crisis is more discussed than ever in the world today. Man is progressing technologically and this progress has also led to emotional decline. Although today's scientists are doing various researches and are directed towards external development, they have forgotten the discomforts caused by the mental state. Also, it seems that the bad consequences of technological development and their necessary remedies have not been given much attention.

Although we have advanced technologically with the help of human wisdom, we feel that the place given to the heart and the moral aspects are not enough when we look at the environmental problems that have arisen today. Spirituality has perished and progressed externally. One social scientist has said while investigating the modern man that today man has one leg on an airplane and the other leg on a bullock cart.From this we feel that human development is not balanced. 

In Buddha's time, there was no environmental destruction like today, and there are many facts that are suitable for the protection of the environment and how those environmental causes affect the human being has been very clearly stated. Jaina Maha Veera, who was a contemporary of Buddha and the founder of Jain philosophy, was also an ardent non-violenceist and some of his environmental concepts were tested and modeled in the formulation of the rules of the Buddha's discipline.

Today's world is entangled in a series of complex problems. Stress, depression, anxiety, crime, terrorism, wars, hunger, malnutrition, dangerous diseases like AIDS are also stuck. Man is engaged in a power struggle to the extent that he does not know another man and is engaged in achieving his goals. In the face of environmental problems in a world like this, the use of Buddhist environmental psychology is immense.

The best example of how much Buddha valued the environment is that every important event of his happened using the environment. He was born in a beautiful sal garden called Lumbini. It was the wilderness that worked hard for about six years. Also, the Noble Samma attained enlightenment at the root of an Asatu tree in an area called Gaya near the Neranjana River. Also, he preached the Dharma he understood for the first time in a place called Isipathana Migadaya in Varanasi.

in the end He passed away in Kusinara in the garden of the Malla kings called Upavattana. Also, when disagreements arise between the monks in certain cases, they are allowed to resolve them and many cases can be pointed out through Buddhist history. It is said that he looked at the Asatu tree without blinking an eye for a week as a gesture of gratitude to the Asatu tree that gave him shade to attain Buddhahood. It is clear that the Buddhist period showed great devotion to the environment.

Meegoda Panjaloka Thero, who wrote the book "Buddhist Environment and Spirituality" to confirm this idea, says: "Anyone from any class who understands the immense love and beauty that the environment shows towards man, respects it with immense devotion. It is the duty of man to treat the entire animal species and the natural environment in a maternal and paternal way. Buddha showed it to the world by example.

On one occasion, the Buddha introduced himself to Drona Brahmin as an environmentalist who is very friendly to the environment. Even though I live in the environment, I am not attached to it" etc., the interaction with the environment has been preached in detail.


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