How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

How to control anger according to Buddhist psychological teachings

The whole world is paying great attention to 'health'. It is also seen that nowadays psychiatrists and psychologists pay a lot of attention to the mental health of the individual. Factors such as the influence of mental nature on a person's physical health, the relationship between body and mind can be the reasons for this. Anger is a hotly debated topic when it comes to personal mental health. Anger is a negative emotion in the mind.Anger leads to the weakening of a person's mental health and thus causes much destruction.

Accordingly, the need for some techniques and exercises to control and reduce 'anger' has become more prominent in today's society.

Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to draw the reader's attention to Buddhist teachings to control anger. Buddhist psychology teaches that 'anger' represents the dosa of the main evil root and is a negative emotion.

There are many factors that cause anger. The effect of these factors may vary from person to person. Identifying these factors or getting rid of those factors or removing those factors from oneself and using Buddha's teachings for that is considered as the way to control anger. However, it may be important to consider the consequences of anger to focus on anger management.

Effects of anger

Anger causes a lot of damage to the person around him as well as to material things. Accordingly, in anger etc., many results can be identified and the following characteristics can be considered as some of them.

Violent thoughts, nightmares, headaches, physical harm, injuries, high blood pressure, unsatisfying social relationships, lack of love, affection, promotion at work, job loss, addictions, panic attacks, feelings of loss of personal control , failing other people, discriminating against others, destroying property, destroying resources, ignoring the needs of others, not helping others, sexual immorality,consummation, use of foul language, unnecessary spending, risky behavior, speeding, murder, discolouration of skin, and incurring samsara suffering by maintaining anger till death. 

The above are some of the possible consequences of anger. However, they are enough to understand that the destruction that anger does to the individual, to the society and to the world is not insignificant.

The whole Buddha figure can be modeled to control anger. Buddha showed compassion towards all beings. The Buddhist scriptures say that he had the same heart towards those like Devadatta Chinchimanavika, King Udeni Kosambi's wife who insulted him, and Ananda, Nanda and Rahula, who were very important to him.

Criticism, insults, insults etc. can be identified as the factors that greatly influence the occurrence of anger. According to the teachings of Atalo Dhamma mentioned in Buddhism, there are eight dharma that a person has to face someday. Almost all of us in the world are used to expecting praises, honors, recognitions, cheap care awards from the world. But we have to understand that even if we don't expect them, we may have to experience them one day.

Accordingly, it is necessary to try not to get angry at the factors that make us sad, worried or uncomfortable, and to act free from anger, that is, to try not to be swayed by Atalo Dhamma. According to Buddhism, there is no one in the world who is not insulted. (Natthi Loke Anindito) So we all cannot escape insults etc. and acting calmly in the face of such responses is the best practice.

Whenever we experience anger, a characteristic we find is that we see, think, or perceive only the negative aspects of the target of that anger. When we are angry, we are used to seeing people's faults, bad sides, character traits. Instead, one should get used to seeing and thinking about the good, valuable, important qualities, character traits of the object or person concerned.By correcting our perception of people related to anger, we can reduce the occurrence, fermentation and long-term maintenance of anger.

Teachings that help to control anger are presented through the teaching of karma in Buddhism. Accordingly, uttering bad words, doing actions and having thoughts lead to bad results. Anger is a negative emotion.

It leads the person to many bad behaviors, difficulties, violence, aggressive behavior, violence and criminal behavior. The results of all these can be very dangerous. Accordingly, Buddhist karma theory can understand how anger causes a person to suffer and suffer. It is important to try to get rid of anger whenever it arises because it causes a lot of suffering for oneself, even if it is because of others.

The target of anger we experience is often the people we associate with rather than physical objects. Buddhism's teachings on samsara can be considered as a lesson that can be used to control our anger towards others. Accordingly, we are all born, dying, reborn and traveling in the world. In that journey, we may have been a mother, father, brother, sister, wife, husband, son, daughter, friend, relative or neighbor.The target of our anger in the present is not impossible to be one's mother, father, brother, sister, relative, friend, daughter or son in a previous life. 

And it is appropriate to think that those around us help us in many ways to sustain our life. That is, their contributions are provided in various ways for the food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear and the houses we live in. One should practice compassion rather than being angry with those who have helped him and those he is in contact with.Accordingly, everyone in the society is connected and helpful to him in many ways, so he should try to control his anger by considering those connections.

Anger management techniques

One of the most practical techniques that can be used to control anger can be identified as 'charity' mentioned in Buddhism. This is the simplest way to turn your enemies and enemies into friends. Usually we tend to avoid looking at the faces of the people we are angry with and leave their sight. This does not result in a loss of pacification, but an increase in daily anger.

Giving something to someone can make a person happy. Accordingly, when an unhappy and angry person gets something, he can be happy and instead of anger, he can create friendship, friendship, and friendship. Therefore, instead of being angry with angry people and acting against them, taking charity to help them become closer and work as friends helps to control and eliminate anger.

Buddhist stories spread throughout Buddhist literature also provide examples and models for controlling anger. Remembering those characters when we experience anger helps to remind us how to act in angry situations. 

Going against each other breeds anger. If one party doesn't respond, the other just won't move forward. Not responding is not a weakness or failure of anyone. Controlling your emotions is a skill.

Not everyone has that skill, so you should be happy with your ability and skill. It is important to refer to using Buddhist stories to develop those skills and control anger. 

As mentioned earlier, anger is a negative emotion. The Sabbasava Sutra mentions several techniques for controlling such many emotions arising in the individual's mind.By using these techniques in situations of anger, anger can be controlled. The techniques mentioned in the sutra are as follows.

Dassana - Seeing dirt like anger

Samvara - subjugation, control of the senses 

Adhivasana - I am patient without succumbing to anger 

Parivajjana - Getting rid of factors that cause anger 

Vinodana - Getting rid of anger 

The importance of the above techniques in dealing with anger cannot be overstated.We should try to see the anger in our hearts. Seeing that there is anger in the mind allows us to act on the anger. 

Anger also leads to increased sensitivity to the senses. It is the senses that cause attachment or collision with the image. Both clinging to and conflicting with the world are affected by anger. Therefore, sensory awareness is very important. Surrendering to anger or being a slave to anger leads to more or more anger.

Surrendering to anger or being a slave to anger leads to more or more anger. Therefore, the most appropriate way is to tolerate anger. When there is anger, it can be considered as a technique that can be followed by everyone in general, to withdraw from factors such as events, situations, and people that cause anger. This reduces the increase of anger in your heart. Accordingly, it is very important to practice the above techniques.

The Mettanisamsa Sutra and the Karaniyametta Sutra also teach to practice compassion instead of anger whenever anger arises. The Rahulavada Sutra can be considered as a sutra containing teachings that guide the shaping of one's body, speech, and mind. According to that, doing any action, word or thought, before saying or thinking, if it will be good for oneself, others and the party itself, such actions should be done if it produces good results. Words must be said. And only thoughts should be thought.

On the contrary, bad deeds, words and thoughts cause much destruction and crime. Anger is a bad emotion. It has negative consequences for both themselves and others. Accordingly, like examining the face in a mirror, one should carefully examine the mind and thoughts, considering the bad results of anger, etc., and try to control it. Another factor that affects anger can be identified as not accomplishing certain things as desired.That is, when you expect someone to do a certain job and it doesn't happen as expected, you get angry. 

At times like this we should think that the world does not exist as we want it to. Discussed above are some teachings that can be helpful in getting rid of anger when you experience it. They are reminders of how to act when angry. By using them in practice, we can maintain our physical health and mental health well.


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