
Showing posts from September, 2022

How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

The nature of the mind according to Buddhism

  The mind is a wonderful thing. Everyone in this world is bewitched by this mind. Everyone is guided by the mind of applying the power that wants to handle everything. Lord Buddha preached about the mind like this. "Brothers, is there anything that exists for great calamity when it is not controlled, when it is not protected, and when it is not controlled? "I don't see anything else that exists as a source of great calamity when it is not controlled, guarded, and protected as much as this mind." In that case, it goes without saying that it is dangerous not to handle this mind in religion.  Take a look at this verse.  "Sabba Papasa Akaranang   Kusalassa Upasampada    Sachiththa Pariyo Dapanang   Ethan Buddhanusasanang".     This is the admonition of the Buddha to not commit all sins, to accumulate merit, and to purify one's heart." In the Buddha's order, many people were ordained to control the uncontrollable mind. To convert the unconverted mi

Buddhist advice on the simple lifestyle of being happy with what you have

The simple charm of living a life of being happy with what is received is a unique virtue that demonstrates Buddhist uniqueness. But the happiness of living happily in the current world that pursues insatiable desires is fast disappearing. All of us should understand that this is a big decline in our Buddhist lives. It is impossible to prevent the occurrence of various crises and problematic things in a society where happiness has been eliminated.We feel that this is the strongest reason for the rapid decline of virtues that the current world talks about a lot. Most of the people who are engrossed in the lusts enjoyed by others who are not theirs act without any responsibility for good and bad. If we think about it carefully, many thefts in this world happen because of wanting what others have instead of their own, right? And in many cases, if we talk about broken family lives, it is often caused by immoral and illegal relationships that go beyond the husband and wife. Not only that.Th

The sorrow of separation from the beloved and union with the unloved

Suffering exists in both physical and mental categories. Some people cannot tolerate physical suffering and even lose consciousness. Some commit suicide by drinking poison. Due to physical suffering, there are many loss of life due to physical suffering. Suffer like this, It is difficult for us to say what exactly is the suffering that man faces. But the two most serious sorrows are the sorrow of being united with the unloved and the sorrow of being separated from the beloved. There is a sermon of Anguttara Nikaya called Mundaraja Sutra. There was a king named Munda. The king loved this king's queen unconditionally. Meanwhile, this queen died. The king kept this queen in bed and waited for the queen to wake up without eating or drinking. The king's consciousness was distorted, the ministers learned about the king's condition and sent a monk named Narada. He preached to the king about five hopeless things. They are... Don't expect that a crappy life won't be crappy. 

Let's see the mental distress according to Buddhism

The Lord Buddha has clearly mentioned mental illnesses. At one point, the Buddha preached that all people except the arahaths are suffering from mental illnesses. It is clear to us that only an arahath is free from mental suffering among the beings of this world. Buddha preached,  "Sabbe Pruthagjana Unmaththaka"  People say that all people are insane. If you take a hundred people who are mentally ill all the time, they are all mentally ill. Because of this mental illness, people are constantly suffering from the diseases caused by lust, hatred, delusion, all of these are considered mental patients, and the reason is that all of these are artificially constructed in our lives, but it is artificially constructed, and it is very clear to us that many of those who are suffering from mental suffering are relieved of their mental suffering. It is not possible to get appointed because of the lack of understanding about this life. Only when there is understanding about life, one can

Advice from Buddhism for a good married life

Advice from Buddhism for a good married life Today, marriage institutions are facing various kinds of problems. Some people live their married life unhappily. How to get out of this situation and lead a successful life? What is the example of Buddhism for that?  The wife receives news from a certain couple that her husband is going astray. Even knowing about this misdirection, the wife did not go to question her husband directly and did her duties as usual without any complaints. But she passes by thinking and worrying. The husband understands this. Heart to heart. The husband is also thinking. Oh, that my wife's former friendliness is not now. Now the husband is thinking. The wife is like this probably because of that problem. Finally, the husband says very lovingly that he will never do anything wrong to you again. When the family is known as the smallest unit of the society, the family has a large social mission. Similarly, when several such families join together, a village is

Buddhist attitudes related to modern society

Buddhism is not a vain religion. Nor is it an invisible force. It is an anthropocentric religion centered on man. In any religion, the hope is to do good to the whole society and the individual. It is possible with a good attitude to guide the misguided person and to create a good social environment without ignorant and deranged people. Buddhism is an anthropocentric religion. All teachings of Buddhism are rich teachings. It is very important to find out how important the Buddhist attitudes mentioned in the Dhamma are to the society. Buddhism is a timeless religion. Its importance to the past, present, as well as tomorrow's future is unlimited. The Lord Buddha said in the Agganya Sutra of the Digha sect that man is the result of the doctrine of cause and effect. However, man is a growing animal. When the collection of many individuals is defined as a society, duties and responsibilities must be given priority in order for a society to continue to flow well. In the Sigalovada Sutra,