How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Advice from Buddhism for a good married life

Advice from Buddhism for a good married life

Today, marriage institutions are facing various kinds of problems. Some people live their married life unhappily.

How to get out of this situation and lead a successful life? What is the example of Buddhism for that? 

The wife receives news from a certain couple that her husband is going astray. Even knowing about this misdirection, the wife did not go to question her husband directly and did her duties as usual without any complaints. But she passes by thinking and worrying.

The husband understands this. Heart to heart. The husband is also thinking. Oh, that my wife's former friendliness is not now. Now the husband is thinking. The wife is like this probably because of that problem. Finally, the husband says very lovingly that he will never do anything wrong to you again.

When the family is known as the smallest unit of the society, the family has a large social mission. Similarly, when several such families join together, a village is formed. By joining several such cities, a country is created and our world is created by the combination of all these countries.

Accordingly, we understand how powerful the smallest family unit that creates a world is. So we are the nourishing parts of that smallest unit. Our contribution is very important. The family unit can be introduced as its unique feature to have such a genealogy or generation. The most powerful force in this society is the husband and wife. Or their marriage corporation. Because of couples who live with love, kindness, friendship and fun, not only the family corporation but also the country becomes beautiful.

A loving family unit is as beautiful as a bird's nest. The aesthetic word "bird's nest" has a history of coming into social usage to describe a happy family.

Sage Valmiki was walking in the forest one day when he saw a pair of koswa lihini who were happily singing and playing. (The symbol of love in ancient India was also Koswa Lihiniya) This Lihini couple who were having fun suddenly met with an unexpected disaster.

The heart of this sage was naturally saddened when he saw the lihini bird falling to the ground and crying due to the sudden calamity. . It is said that this sad experience was the seed of the Ramayana. 

Accordingly, sorrow became Shloka. A number of words consisting of four verses is called a Shloka. The hymn is built on sorrow. This can be identified as a stanza in Pali. In any case, we mean here that "nest" is also mentioned in Ramayana.

'Matarang Kutikang 

Brasi Bhariang Brasi 

Kulawakan Puththe Santanake brasis 

Tanhang Me Brasi Bandhanti;

If you look at the above shloka. There Lord Buddha preaches answering a question of God that the house is the mother. The wife is the nest. Children are of caste genetics. Or generation. Lust is binding. There is only one idea here. Wife and husband are mother and father.

They are parents to children. And they both become good friends to others. When they grow old, both of them become grandmothers and grandfathers. After that, grandparents see grandchildren. Then the grandchildren become brothers and sisters. They become brothers, sisters, sisters and brothers. In this way, the generation continues. There is nothing wrong in introducing a family unit as a powerful corporation. That is why Lord Buddha preached Kulapraveniya like this.

If marriage is a nest, there should be happiness, affection and fun in it. Time should be spent in sports. Therefore, living a successful and happy married life is a blessing that a man gets in his everyday life. As time goes by, the happiness of that nest increases due to the birth of children. The family unit becomes stronger.

As a husband, as a father as well as a wife as a mother, what Buddhist advice should be followed in the social corporation?

Lord Buddha's sermons contain good answers to these questions. It is also seen no less. It also mentions the Vedas necessary to lead a good Yuga life. As a sutra that tells the glory of a good married life, we can introduce the Pathama Nakula Samajeevi Sutra of the Anguttara Sect's Chatukka Nipata.

According to it, Nakula went to Lord Buddha and said... I married Nakula Mata when I was young. Since then, he has not even thought about anyone else except her. So what about dating? And Mata Nakula says... that she never thought about anyone else except Nakula. If so, what are the stories about dating someone else.?

Nakula and Nakula's wife were a couple who lived a happy married life with great affection for each other. Therefore, these two wish to live a successful life together in the next life. Looking at their wishes, we can see how strong the bond between husband and wife was. That is why they wish to unite as husband and wife not only in this world but also in the next life. There are people among us who live married life with the utmost understanding.

There were such husbands and wife in Indian society at that time. Even though life in every era of Indian society was not like this, there is evidence that there were such successful family institutions. 

However, as preached by the Lord Buddha, the husband and wife who live a good life in this world with the same ideas, generosity, wisdom and virtue, can get prosperous lives in the next life as well.

The philosophy of Buddhism is that the next life cannot be a happy life after sacrificing this life. The more you live happily in this life, the happier you will be in the next life. This is the practical truth mentioned in Buddhism. 

It is clear that the pious presence and relationship of the husband and wife strongly influences their spiritual life. Living a successful era in physical life has somewhat broken down today. One can see the nature of many people talking about it in different ways.

However, because one does not inherit a life that does not go astray in one's religion, it is possible to see the signs of a successful married life in a family corporation with a religious orientation and a lifestyle that moves with understanding through the art of seeing good things as good and the glory of a happy life.


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