How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Buddhist advice for the righteous life


As a higher minded creature, man should think and act. For that it is necessary to control the senses. In order to understand the liberation or Nirvana in the basic teachings of the Buddha, the person must first appreciate righteousness.

Eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, these senses can be used for good as well as for evil. The senses are peaceful because the righteous heart is always there.

The source of comfort is righteousness. By trying to make everything in the universe one's own, hatred, anger and sorrow arise in man. Life is unstable. But the development of the spiritual qualities that man acquires is permanent.

"Penupamang Kaya Miman Viditwa" Even if the body is destroyed like a foam in a stream of water, the good behaviour and seven ethics that a man should adopt in his life will never be destroyed. The first stanza of the Yamaka section of the Dhamma verse emphasises that he follows him like a shadow that never leaves him (Chhayava ana paini).

Lord Buddha presented a realistic analysis of life in various situations, which builds humanity as a full and righteous life according to spiritual and moral virtues. He always pointed out that a person can achieve greatness if the action is done

intelligently and according to Dharma.

Man is entangled in worldly attachments. It is mentioned in Buddhist philosophy that a righteous life can be built by getting rid of attachments and concentrating the mind through wisdom.

Let us discuss some of the distinctive features of a righteous life. 

Kindness, modesty, tolerance of others, appreciation of righteousness, doing good, not being shaken are some of them.

In order for a person's life to be righteous, there must be some virtue that is followed. The regular virtues of the layman are the five virtues. The Brahmajala Sutra states that one can build a righteous life by getting rid of wrong views and following a good method.

When King Ajasat went to meet the Lord Buddha, he was amazed to see the monks who were sitting there with dignity and righteousness. King Ajasat, who saw the monks who were sitting calmly, had a feeling that my prince Udayabaddha would be like this. From this it is clear that the person who values ​​righteousness is useful to the society and no one is harmed by him.

The more virtuous a man's heart becomes, the more pure his spirit becomes. What is done and said with a pure heart is good and the heart of the person will always be righteous. A virtuous person realises the value of his life. Such a person respects himself. A good person takes action. Pranaghata, Adattadana, Kamamithyachara etc. are kept away from.

Seela means to get rid of evil. Understanding the do's and don'ts. He who values ​​the righteous life respects modesty. Lord Buddha preached in the Chullahatthi Padopama Sutra that austerity is a characteristic of a pious life.

"Somehow the winged lichen flies in a certain direction, but only with the weight of the wings. In this way, if the monk goes somewhere happy with enough robes to use, he will carry only the weight of the robes. Austerity is also very relevant to the layman. The more greed there is, the more complex the social problems will be. It will damage the righteousness of man.

Lord Buddha once learned that monk Upananda used to accumulate robes etc. and distributed them to the monk without robes. A person who appreciates a simple and charming way of life has little interest in external beauty and does not pursue desires. Make sure to be happy with what you get.

He does not look for useless things in this world or the next world, such as wearing perfumes and wearing various things for the sake of beauty. It is well explained in the Ambatta Sutra of Seelakkhandha section of Digha Nikaya. Discomfort is the end result of certain methods used to achieve unlimited desires. Collision. Destruction.

Righteousness should be cultivated in order to prevent the person from entering such a destructive path. A person who appreciates righteous life does not do what is unnecessary for him and does not do what is bad. It is mentioned in the information of the Ambatta Sutra that Lord Buddha preached to Ambatta Bamuna that no one will suffer from a righteous person.

A pious mind born from Buddhism is always altruistic and does not think of only himself. Wishing the happiness and well-being of the world's animal community. Lord Buddha has pointed out in the Agganya Sutra that it is possible to be destroyed by selfishness and comfort by altruism.

He who seeks his liberation does not accumulate anything alone. Not greedy for wealth. Not unwilling to give credit to others. It is a good way to build a righteous life, whether it is wealth, earning or eating, based on ideal action.

A virtuous person respects his own life as well as the lives of others. 'Sambasang jihitang piang' everyone is happy with his life. Such a person makes sure that he does not cause any harm to the society. The pious person who appreciates a peaceful life is motivated to show compassion not only to himself, his children, relatives but also to all the creatures of the world.

Lord Buddha is the symbol of righteousness. He charmed his friends as well as his enemies. In the Karaniya Metta Sutra it is emphasised, "Metathan cha sabba lokasming manasang bhavaye aparimanam'' It is revealed that one who appreciates righteousness among people cultivates meth to all worldly beings. Righteous humanity is told to the world by the story of the Kshantiavida Jataka mentioned in the Bosat period. The lightness, charm and comfort of a good austere life built on righteousness was the value of Lord Buddha. Showed to the world.

All of us should make sure to enrich our lives by taking inspiration from the Buddhist philosophy to live a good, progressive and righteous life by nourishing life with qualities such as being humble, being happy with what is received, being grateful, listening to the dharma at the right time, patience, kindness, mercy, compassion etc. is.


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