How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Buddhist view of anantarika-karma

What is anantarika karma? Correct information about anantarika karma

People who do Anantarika-Karma are definitely born in hell. The Buddha said that when they leave this life, they will be born in hell like extending a shrunken hand.

Killing the mother, killing the father, shaking the blood of the Buddha with hatred, killing the Arahath and dividing the Sangha are the five Anantarika Karmas.

Let us examine how it is anantarika karma if the mother or father is killed knowingly by a child, and how it is not anantarika karma if the mother or father is killed without the knowledge of that child.

In order to be properly informed about this, think like this. There are situations in our society where many children are helpless because of their parents' issues.

When a man gets drunk and attacks his wife, thinking that her son is trying to save his mother, if the father dies while attacking the father, will that son be caught by anantarika karma? The said point should be asked.

When a father is unable to control his anger and hits the mother hard, the mother suffers a lot. The child who sees this incident cannot tolerate it. At that time, the child can get very angry with his father. Hatred can come to mind. He attacks his father to save his mother. If the father is unfortunately killed in that attack, this son becomes a victim of the anantarika karma of killing the father.But there is another aspect here. In that case, the son may not have attacked the father with the intention of killing the father. Then how does an anantarika karma happen there?

The son may have attacked the father with the intention of saving the mother without killing him. But there is a killing process going on. Most of the time, this attack happens because the father can't stand the abuse of the mother. There may be only the idea of ​​saving the mother. With that idea, the sympathy, kindness, and emergence towards the mother suppresses the murderous intention. The fact that the mother is being saved, the feeling that the father will die because of the attack is covered.In that case, the action you do does not seem like a mistake because that feeling is suppressed. But if the intention of death appears at the time of striking, then and ananthariya karma is committed.

For your knowledge, I will explain a matter mentioned in Vishuddhi Marga Grantha in this regard.

An animal is in a room completely covered by a cover. Everyone knows that such an animal is here. So, with the intention of killing this animal, someone attacks the animal that is covered with that cover. Then the cover is removed to see if the animal has died. Then he sees the mother or father dead. Is there an anantarika karma happening there now? That person thought there was an animal there. There was no idea or nature of death of mother or father in him. But someone had the idea of ​​death in him.

If some action was done with that intention, if someone died in that action, if it was mother or father, then anantarika karma happens. One can argue that if one knows the mother or the father, one would not kill. That's right. But here all the necessary activities for the completion of anantarika karma had taken place. In the process that requires anantarika karma to occur, it is not the knowledge of mother or father that is the primary influence. The key here is the death intention.If someone dies while using that strategy with the intention of death, if the person who dies is the mother or father, then the sin of Anantarika karma is committed.

Suppose one of them wants to kill one of their parents. Let's imagine that one day this mother or father is sleeping covered with a blanket from head to toe. The son knows very well that one of his parents is sleeping. At that time, imagine that another member of this family comes to the mother's bed and sleeps curled up in the same blanket. Suppose the mother wakes up in the meantime. The other person is now sleeping in the bed.

The son came to the room with the intention of death and thinking that the one who was sleeping under the blanket was his mother, he attacked the mother with the weapon he had brought and removed the blanket to see if she was dead. But it was the other member who died. Is anantarika karma happening here? No. Anantarika karma doesn't happen there because someone else died even if they thought it was their mother. It is not because the mother was not killed by the son. It is true that someone else died. But that is not the mother.So we need to understand the relationship here with intention.

When a son attacks his father in anger, it is hard to imagine that there is no intent to kill. As the idea of ​​saving the mother emerges, the hatred in the heart is suppressed. We think that there is no real death intention in such suppression. But there is such an intention in a subtle way.

When a son attacks his father, saying that he did not kill his father is often just an expression to make up his mind. Although we don't know, with that strong hateful nature comes the intention of death.

One family's son gets into his car and tries to reverse it. But the son does not know that his father is doing some work behind the vehicle at that time. The son reversed the vehicle. Father died after being run over by that vehicle. Here, Anantaria does not result in anantarika karma.If the son backed the vehicle with the intention that my father behind the vehicle will die, then there is an anantharika karma. But since there was no idea of ​​killing, we can understand that the son is freed from that sin.


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