How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Buddhist view of positive thinking

It seems that modern psychologists and educators have paid special attention to positive thinking. Lord Buddha, who appeared in the world two thousand five hundred years ago, has also focused deeply on this. The results of positive thinking are well reflected when studying Buddha's character, Buddha's teachings and disciples' characters.

Bosatano,who took ten years to become a Buddha, acted according to positive attitudes. Positive thinking is distinguished by the Virya Paramita and Adhishtana

Paramita that he filled. Also, moments like 'Aggo hamasmi lokassa', which the Buddha uttered immediately after his birth, walking on the seven pillars, seeing the four omens and resolutely leaving the layman's house to become a monk, searching for the truth, and trying hard for six years are special occasions.

One has to face various obstacles and difficulties while achieving one's goals. One's unwavering thinking is very important to overcome those obstacles and difficulties. The Chaturanga effort made by the Bodhisattva who came to the root of the Bo tree to attain Buddhahood is a special case of positive thinking.

1. Even if the skin of the body falls off and scatters, I will not rise unless I become a Buddha.


 2. Even if the veins of the body are loose and scattered, I will not rise unless I become a Buddha.

3.Even if the bones of the body are scattered, I will not rise unless I become a Buddha. 

4. Even if the flesh and blood of the body is scattered, I will not rise unless I become a Buddha.

Due to his determination, he was able to attain a supreme title like enlightenment. The divine Brahma was worshipped by human beings. There is no achievement that is impossible if any person acts with an unwavering mind, just as the animals were able to attain the title of Buddha by acting with a determined and unwavering thought.

When starting an action, you can get successful results by acting with the feeling of 'I can, I will get results, I will win'. Otherwise, if you act with doubts about the results at the beginning of an action, you cannot reap successful results. A person who acts with a negative attitude like 'No, no,' etc. cannot reap successful results in life.

It is the nature of a loser to think of everything as difficult, difficult and impossible. No one who thinks like that can be a great person in the society. Some leave progress in life to fate. The person who thinks and acts like this, 'this is how we were born, this is our karma, we will get what we get' goes backwards in the society. It is not possible to progress in society. Only people who think new things and work creatively will step towards the development of the society.

"Nachintayanto puriso visesi madhigachathi"

According to the Buddha's sermon, it is said that the person who does not think new things will not progress. Postponing what needs to be done today is not only a hindrance to one's decline, but also causes regret. Every human being has creative abilities. They can be learned through effort and mental strength. Many people go to decline because of the feelings of uncertainty and hesitation in the mind.

Buddha has shown in many sutras and dharma how the behaviour and thoughts of the individual should be adjusted in order to achieve the expectations of the individual. According to the Karaniya Metta Sutra, one should be a first 'Attha Merit ' person. Attha is the purpose. Merit is skill. Here it is meant to be a skill to achieve one's goal. The Karaniyametta Sutra mentions fifteen skills that one should acquire in order to achieve one's goals.

Among those fifteen things, the first quality 'Sakko' is unique. It is very important for a person to develop skills when they practise and practice habits, not by reading books, writing, listening or waiting. The incompetent person cannot move forward in the society. He will be a loser in both this world and the next world.

Cultivation of merits or skills leads to good in both worlds and vice to evil. If there are virtues practised in the past or in a previous soul, it is the nature of the world to exist in this world or in the next world for good and evil for harm. Therefore, a person should generate meritorious thoughts of sacrifice, compassion, kindness and wisdom and act accordingly. Buddhism is a religion that has shown the way to the development of the individual.

There is no compulsion in it. One day the Buddha spoke to a monk and said, 'Bamuna, if you like it, go ahead, if you don't like it, don't come forward'. It is clear that Buddhism has given freedom to the individual to make decisions with intelligence. Addressing Bamuna, the Buddha explained that individual mental strength, intelligence and effort are necessary to progress. In doing something.

1. Initiate Dhatu(to start something) 

2. Nikkhama Dhatu (to be continued) 

3.Parakkama Dhatu (to overcome obstacles) 

4. Thama Dhatu (To do with powerful vigour) 

5. Thithi Dhatu (to stand still) 

6.Upakkhama Dhatu (to be cunning)

There must be effort. Otherwise, an action cannot be continued or successful results can be reaped. One should develop confidence without doubting one's own strength and ability. Successful results can be reaped only by accepting one's own ability and acting with self-confidence. Self-confidence can be built when the negative mindset of acting out of complacency and withdrawal is removed. People with a lazy mentality cannot make progress in society.

When they are carrying out some action with the aim of getting successful results, there may be obstacles in it. The effort should not be aborted just because there are obstacles. They should open the doors of their victory through alternative methods. Some people don't recognize the power they have. Does not gain interest by accepting advice given by others. Such a person cannot progress.

Every achievement has a path. That path should be found with one's own intelligence. But you should think about whether the advice given by others is suitable for you. Scholars, intellectuals, writers have made their lives great by recognizing and acting on their strengths. That is clear from the study of their characters.

On that day, Buddha became the greatest leader in the world by using his intelligence. May the two groups of laymen and priests who followed that practice become great in the world and prosper in both worlds. Therefore, we should do religious teaching as well as read the books of great writers, accept the ideas of scholars and act, listen, study, observe and investigate. By doing so, you can get rid of negative thinking and achieve success in every action through positive thinking.


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