How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Buddhist view on morality


One of the aspirations of Buddhism is to produce a moral human being. Buddhism was preached not only to Buddhists. That religion has been preached for the benefit of the entire animal community. By incorporating it into one's life, a moral person is created. This is why morality can be introduced as something that exists like a shadow for everyone.

Who is the real Buddhist can be identified based on his actions. If he does something useful for the society, he becomes a moral person. Accordingly, Buddhism teaches good behaviour as morality. Good conduct should be threefold. The three ways of becoming self-conscious, being conscious of words, and being conscious of mind.

"Kayena Sanvaro Sadhu 

Sadhu Vachaya Sanvaro 

Manasa Sanvaro Sadhu 

Sadhu Sabbattha Sanvaro"

That is what the above verse teaches. A moral person is not created by birth. The child who is born gradually matures and turns to various temptations through various activities. Such temptations may be for good or bad. Buddhism advises to turn to good deeds instead of bad deeds. Accordingly, the Buddha is the only teacher who preached a set of principles to act on correct principles.

There are several separate formulas for that. Sigalovada Sutra, Vasala Sutra, Parabhava Sutra, Vyaghapajja Sutra and Mahamangala Sutra are some of them. These sutras show the harm caused by doing bad deeds and how to get rid of them and do good deeds. To teach. Buddhism, which advises to carry out activities without prejudice, i.e. chanda, dosa, bhaya, moha, points out what dhammas should be gradually built up from the growing child to the elderly person.

Sadisa worship as indicated in the Sigalovada Sutra is very helpful in creating a civilised, morally complete human being. Looking at modern society, various debates, arguments, conflicts and tensions between parents and children, teachers and students, husband and wife, kings and countrymen, workers and masters, laymen and priests have arisen due to the lack of proper understanding between them. If a person is shaped according to the Sigalovada Sutra, such misdeeds can be prevented.

A man is not a Vasala or a Brahmin by birth as it is said in the stanzas like 'Na Jaccha Vasalo Hoti Na Jaccha Hoti Brahmano' etc. taught in the Vasala Sutra. That is according to the karmas they perform. If one knows about this, understands the reality and does the work, many evil deeds in the society will disappear.

The Vyaghapajja Sutra gives a description of the moral actions that should be inculcated in every person living in the entire society. Among the immoral things taught there, it can be pointed out that being infatuated with women, drinking alcohol, gambling, and associating with bad friends are the reasons that subordinate moral behaviour. These issues are especially important for the young generation. At a young age, it is common to be tempted to commit various wrongdoings.

To free them from those wrong actions, they should follow the path shown by Buddhism. Youth should be motivated to do good deeds and not just focus on fulfilling their desires. At a young age, some children resort to wrongdoing because of ignorance. The misdeeds of the youth are resorted to because the society has taken hold of him. By middle age, the wisdom to understand all these things comes, but by that time, the time has passed and the end is over.

Parabhava Sutra also holds an important place as a sutra that has teachings about the things that bring man down. The purpose of this sutra is to point out that one's own degradation occurs through the work one does. A person who lives a lustful life without doing anything religiously will deteriorate day by day. Otherwise, if one lives according to Dharma, he will be protected by Dharma itself. "Dhammo Bave Rakkathi Dhammachari" is read from the words of the Buddha.

Being lazy often, being in the company of people who talk unnecessary things, lack of diligence, addiction to things like womanising, alcohol and gambling can be pointed out as the things that cause the deterioration of the person. If the head of a family deteriorates, the other members of that family also deteriorate. Then gradually it gets socialised and the society also deteriorates. This theory gradually escalates and the morality of the individual deteriorates and an unethical society is born.

The Maha Mangala Sutra can be pointed out as a formula that reads the facts for the development of the morals of a society. If someone follows the 38 gates of development contained in it, he will be a moral person. Starting from the stanza of Asevanacha Balanan and ending with the stanza of Phuttassa Loka Dhammehi, how does the emergence of a moral society happen? About what actions should be taken for that. The actions contained here are not only for knowledge but also something to be implemented in practice.

The greatest problem God and man had was to know the reasons for the development of the Mangal standard. For that, the points pointed out by the Buddha are extremely important. Avoiding the association of minors, associating with scholars, offering sacrifices to those who are worthy of worship, treating parents, treating step-children, giving righteously, etc. have been presented with the desire to make the society a moral one.

In addition to this, facts have been presented to create a moral society from the well-known Karaniya Metta Sutra. Extending compassion to the world's creatures is a moral act. Many factors that lead to development in this world and development in the next world have been shown through this sutra. If one can pray for the well-being of every living being, seen or unseen, near or far, then that person will be living a moral life.

Moreover, every creature should think about their own happiness as well as the happiness of others. We should consider the suffering of others as well as our own suffering. Treating parents, respecting elders, are social customs. Doing them is a cause of happiness in this world as well as in the hereafter. If not, not only the individual but also the society deteriorates and leads to the emergence of an immoral society. Thus, it is clear that Buddhism has preached many sutras to create a moral society.


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