
Showing posts from November, 2022

How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Things to know about Buddhist social service

Man lives in society from birth to death, he enjoys social association, therefore, a person should be a social person. Buddhism has presented the necessary instructions and measures to establish the relationship between the individual and the society. Buddhist ethics are put into practice.In order to understand the reality of the society, he must first think that he belongs to it, then he starts to understand that all his problems are common problems of the society. Society is very complex due to individual and environmental disparity, social disparity exists a lot and there are few obstacles for the individual to live there as a member with full rights. There is no end to the suffering. Because of this situation, Buddhists have a desire to reduce the common sufferings of the society. One is social service. The social service of the Buddhist social worker is called altruistic behaviour. Its meaning is to act for the good of others. The embodiment of the example of the Buddhist social w

How to live by controlling the mind according to Buddhism

We all want to conquer life. We all want to live happily. They are happy. We must find the thing that cannot overcome our life, that destroys the joy of life. All the dharma matters related to life in this world and the hereafter are mentioned in various sutras preached by Lord Buddha. We all want to live happily in this world and the hereafter Will try. First of all, we need to understand that Buddhism is not a philosophy that applies only to conquering the afterlife. We can achieve the eternal comfort that we hope for in the education and development that is achieved through the Dhamma-based life built by the Dhamma that has been understood. Accordingly, the person who behaves according to the dharma is definitely protected by that dharma, which means that he is a good and righteous person. He becomes a person who is free from troubles and is respected by society. He becomes a truth-teller. Becomes a pious person. Lord Buddha has explained how to behave in Dharma through his exemplar

Let's see love according to Buddhism

In today's complex social relations, it is extremely sad to see that 'love' or the affection between opposite sexes has become a perverted sensualism. Although the word 'love' refers to the mental states of desire, passion, there is a set of ideas that are felt along with the statement that someone loves someone. That is, we have a group of identifications with different meanings such as lust, courtship, desire, enjoyment, attachment, lust, etc. Psychoanalytically, the feeling of love is a motivation based on the principle of pleasure and pain. The feeling of being in love can be recognized as a fast-acting arousal mentality. Love formed by love between opposite sexes is based on family life, sexual satisfaction.Biologically it is a biochemical process. Psychologically a basic need. According to social and anthropological sciences, although the family is the foundation of the household, moral boundaries, behavioural behaviour are sanctioned by ethics. Buddhism indic

The importance of Vesak, the great festival of Buddhists

Among the main religious festivals celebrated by the Buddhist people, Vesak has a prominent place. On that day, the Buddhist people around the world celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Lord Buddha, and engage in various types of religious ceremonies. This article is written to explain the importance of Vesak Pohoya because many other important events have taken place on Vesak Pohoya in addition to Lord Buddha's three days. The main reason why the Buddhist people celebrate the Vesak day in a very grand manner is that the birth of Prince Siddhartha, Buddhahood, and the passing of the Buddha took place on a Vesak full moon day. Bosath, who was born as Prince Siddhartha in Lumbini Sal Garden, left the lay house at the age of 29 after becoming disillusioned with life. After that, despite 6 years of hard work, he was not able to attain enlightenment. But after that, the Bodhisattva abandoned Attha Kilamatanu Yoga and Kama Sukhallikanu Yoga and followed the Madhya Prat

Buddhist view of God and theism

  The belief in an invisible entity known as God dates back to a very early period in human history. Based on the belief that God has the power to influence human lives in both good and bad ways, various sacrificial methods were built to please them. In this background, belief in God is rooted in the human mind in a way that cannot be excluded. In every country of the world this belief is more or less widespread and under different interpretations. When we talk about theism, our focus is always on India. The reason is that most of the data needed to make a detailed study of it is found in India. According to many commentators, India is the birthplace of Theism. The Indians, who have worked with a strong faith and devotion to God since time immemorial, still engage in sacrifices as their main religion. This is why books on theism are common in India. ' Rig Veda' is the most important and historical document among them. Based on it, 'Chaturveda' has been created by prepar

The Ultimate Guide for Financial Management According to Buddhism

Nowadays everything is decided on 'money'. 'Kill dogs or make money' is the life text of modern man. Illegalities have come to the fore under human capital. Labor exploitation in various ways, sexual abuse, prostitution, social culture where the fear of evil has gone wild, societies full of human beings with low taste have been born all over the world. It is no secret that the reason for all this is the prevailing hyper-competitive commercialism system. In this highly competitive economic pattern, the present man has become a deranged animal. Man has become isolated in society by clinging to objects of lust and piling up more and more with intense lust. Modern man has become a mentally ill person suffering from perverse desires due to exceeding the moral limits and living in debt due to adopting extravagant lifestyles. In the society where they try to stand apart from each other, the greedy man has distanced himself from the virtue of austerity because of his efforts to

According to Buddhism, let's use agriculture to eradicate poverty

The Dharma taught by Lord Buddha is a timeless free thought suitable for all times. Today, due to the advancement of science, a large number of different technological tools have emerged and the world is connected to the extent that it is a universal family. The event in America at this moment has been brought very close to another human being by the fact that technology has developed so much that we can see it from anywhere in an instant.Think for a moment how many people in the society were living happy and contented lives in the face of the riches acquired in such an age of great progress. Sometimes we can imagine the concept that there is no one. It is clear to us that the whole society is full of so many problems. Think about it. Today, the number of people who die without food in the world is hundreds of thousands in one year alone. What does that tell us? Even though the world is a universal family, we are not able to fulfil even the need for food that Lord Buddha pointed out th

The Ultimate Guide to Help You How to Attain Nirvana According to Buddhism

According to Buddhism, nirvana is a mental touch,not a physical touch We have a lot of misconceptions about what it means to let go of and see Nirvana. That means, we think that there are many obstacles regarding Nirvana. The first misconception is to think that one must become a priest to attain nirvana. Ordination is a good opportunity for Nirvana. There is no doubt about it. If he saw Nirvana only after becoming a monk, then all those who became monks must have seen Nirvana. No lay person should have seen nirvana. Ordination required. It is necessary to create a community of monks. Due to the formation of that community of monks, a huge culture and a huge religious restraint will be created. The second misconception is to say that one must go through the forest to attain Nirvana. The forest is a very pleasant and beautiful place to grow plants. Although it is very necessary, some of our Buddhists have the wrong idea that one must go to the forest to see nirvana, or that one can see

Buddhist view of the beginning and destruction of the world

What Lord Buddha said about the beginning and destruction of the world Even during the Buddha's lifetime, monks and Brahmins, who were interested in knowing about the world and the universe, asked the Buddha about the beginning and destruction of the world and whether there were other planets like this in the universe. During the Buddha's time, one powerful sage who was interested in searching for the mystery of the universe had wandered the universe for about a hundred years and died in the universe. When Mughaln Maha Arahat was wandering around the universe to search for the universe, the Buddha brought Mughalan Maha Arahat and said, "There is no end to the universe and searching for the universe is a futile act without end." Although the Buddha had infinite knowledge about the universe and animals, he was not very willing to teach about it in such cases. There he said, "A Buddha does not appear in the world to search for the universe, but to guide the living b