How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

According to Buddhism, let's use agriculture to eradicate poverty

The Dharma taught by Lord Buddha is a timeless free thought suitable for all times. Today, due to the advancement of science, a large number of different technological tools have emerged and the world is connected to the extent that it is a universal family. The event in America at this moment has been brought very close to another human being by the fact that technology has developed so much that we can see it from anywhere in an instant.Think for a moment how many people in the society were living happy and contented lives in the face of the riches acquired in such an age of great progress. Sometimes we can imagine the concept that there is no one.

It is clear to us that the whole society is full of so many problems. Think about it. Today, the number of people who die without food in the world is hundreds of thousands in one year alone. What does that tell us? Even though the world is a universal family, we are not able to fulfil even the need for food that Lord Buddha pointed out that all beings live by food.

We must look at the world not as individual people or as individual countries. The world is moving towards such a sad fate because they do not have a management policy on production and consumption. This situation has arisen due to the fact that we do not have a common principle of equal sharing of expenses as preached by Lord Buddha in the Sigalovada Sutra.

If the attention of the modern world is focused on the Buddhist economic system, it will not be difficult to eradicate poverty and many social problems related to it from the entire society. Poverty is a social problem. It is no secret that social problems have been socialised since the beginning of human society. There is no problem-free social system. It is true.

Modern sociologists have identified a number of such social problems that affect the existence of society in a negative way. Among them, poverty is a social problem that creates many other problems. The Buddha preached that poverty leads to theft, robbery, use of weapons, bloodshed, and murder. Poverty leads to theft, weapons production, murder, prostitution, and all kinds of immorality. Therefore, poverty is a serious social problem that needs to be addressed.

Poverty refers to the minimum standard of living or lack or absence of the physical facilities necessary for living. Recognizing poverty as a social problem and commenting on it begins not through recent history but through the teachings of Lord Buddha 2600 years ago. He has preached poverty as a sorrow and to be relieved of it as a happiness in this world.

Buddhism shows that the economy should be strengthened to eradicate poverty. There are two main areas that need attention. That is wealth production and wealth consumption. Buddhism shows that the practice of these aspects can eradicate poverty and fulfil the basic needs.

In Buddhist scriptures, wealth means not only rich grains, money, household goods, land and environmental resources including forests, but also mental aspirations and mental satisfaction. Wealth is essential for the existence of worldly life for the laity and sensual people.

"Daliddiyan bhikkhave dukkhan lokasming kaena kama bhogino" 

Anguttara Sect has shown that poverty is a misery for the poor people. 

In order to eliminate poverty, it is understood in Buddhism to earn wealth in a way that does not cause any trouble to anyone. In it, it was preached that it is important to earn wealth like a wasp builds a beehive the size of a riya saka by picking up the flowers without damaging any of the elements such as colour and smell.

"Bhoge Sanharamanassa Bhamara Seva Iriyanto".

It has been emphasised that the wealth thus earned can be used for the next generation. 

Several methods have been mentioned in the Sutra sermons to produce wealth by applying one's labour righteously. Among them are Kasi (agricultural work), Vanijja (commercial work), Gorakka (animal husbandry work), Issattha (military service), Raja Porisa (government service), etc.

Buddhism has shown that agriculture is a very important source of income in eradicating poverty. That is why the Buddha constantly used parables related to agriculture in his sermons. In the Subha Sutra sermon of the Majkdhima sect, it has been pointed out that agriculture itself was great, great work was done, there are high courts, there are great ceremonies, there is prosperity, there are great fruits. It is said that a field should consist of eight elements in order to get a fertile harvest.

It also mentions raking, sowing seeds, proper watering, etc. A note on the manner in which seeds should be planted in a field is given in the Pathama Sutra of the Anguttara Sect in the Lonaphala category. Another example that proves that agriculture has a valuable place in Buddhism is the wish of Buddhists every time: "Devo Vasatu Kalena - Sassa Sampathi Hotucha '' may it rain at the right time. Praying for the fields to be fertile.

Thus, it seems that Buddhism has given an important place to agriculture as a method of wealth production. Schumacher has said that because of agriculture, the environment in which man lives becomes softer, connects man with the environment, and grows food and other essential goods. But Lord Buddha said that 2600 years ago.

In many countries today, certain sections of people are also using the totally imprecise notions that agriculture is a minor job or that a 'farmer' is a person without education or a person who has failed to get proper education should do farming. The only thing it does is stunt development. Have you thought for a moment whether we would be able to get food without the farmer, without agriculture?

Agriculture should be improved using modern technology. But it is clear that we have often used technology not for the good of man but for the bad. We should also think about the damage caused by insecticides, herbicides, sin, etc. according to Buddhism. The whole world can be self-sustaining only if we act according to Buddhism.


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