How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Buddhist view of the pregnant mother


Mother is the embodiment of supreme human compassion. That is why every woman who becomes a mother is related to the Buddha path. It was because of this reality revealed by Buddhism that mother  was so enamoured of Buddhist culture that she wished to become Buddha. Women who are about to become mothers and women who have become mothers are the heirs of that treasure of loving affection.

It is accepted in Buddhism that one must have merit before becoming a mother. Because sin interferes with the position of mother. According to Buddhist philosophy, three things must be fulfilled to become a mother. that is, 

Both parents are together 

The mother is pregnant 

Presence of a gandhabba

It is clear that a pregnant mother cannot become a pregnant mother if one of the above mentioned three points is not fulfilled in this doctrinal teaching. Here the arrival of a Gandhabba is called the attachment of a soul to the embryo in the womb. This event is taught in Buddhism as the contraindication event.

When an animal (including a human being) dies, the mind (Chuti Chitta) that separates from the body is expected to join the four skandas suitable for rebirth according to the accumulated karmas of what he did while he was alive. (The four skandhas are called Rupa, Vedana, Sanjna, Sankhara and when consciousness or mind is involved, it is called Panchaskandha) The union of nama + rupa is also called the union of the mind with the body.The joining of a mind or consciousness to the seed of a child in a mother's womb is called Prati Sandiya and it is taught in biology as pregnancy.

The Buddha figure states that she saw in a dream that Prince Siddhartha Bosat entered the womb of Goddess Mahamaya. As it was the fifteenth day, she was celebrating an uposatha sila, and in that dream she saw a white elephant calf take a white lotus flower from its trunk, circled her bed three times and entered her womb. This is the story of the Great Bodhisattva's encounter. Thus, there are unique facts about the position of pregnancy in Buddha's sermons.

Angulimala is a fierce fish killer. Angulimala, deliberately led astray by the teacher, kills nearly a thousand human lives and finally becomes a disciple of the Buddha.

One day when Reverend Angulimala was visiting Pindapatha, he saw a woman in a certain house screaming in labour pain. Monk Angulimala did not go to Pindapata but returned to Jetavanarama and told the Buddha about this. Buddha preached a surprising story to monk Angulimala.

You should go back and do a true deed in front of her and pray for healing. Monk Angulimala asked in amazement, 

Lord, what shall I say and act true? The Buddha replied with an even more amazing statement.

Pray that you have not committed any fatal evil since your birth and pray for her to be successful with that true power. Even more surprised, Angulimala monk says: 

Lord, how can I do such a righteous deed after killing a thousand people?

It was at that time that the great powerful Angulimala Pritha Buddha preached to the Angulimala monk. It says that becoming a monk in the Buddha's order is a new birth. He is sure that since the birth of the Arya race, no killing has been done. Rev. Angulimala, who returned to the place where the pregnant mother was in labour pain, did so and healed her.

Look, the power of that act of truth is that even today, the sons of Buddha have been able to recite this sermon text and heal pregnant mothers.

Yako Ganga Bhagini Ariyaya Racata Jato Nabhijanami Sanchicha Panan Jita Voroseka Koda Samena Sothi Tea Hotu Sothi Gabba Sajati

Sister I at some point Am I born in the Arya race? 

Consciously since then I do not know that an animal has been killed 

With the power of those true words 

Good luck to you 

Have a happy pregnancy

According to Buddhist philosophy, the pregnant mother is considered a noble and sacred human resource. No matter what kind of mentality a person has, she has a unique set of virtues in preparation for motherhood. In India at the time of the Buddha, the concept known as Brahma was associated with a supreme meaning. Accordingly, the four qualities of Metta, Karuna, Mudita, and Upeksha were named as Brahman behaviour. These four pratipadas, which are called the Fourfold Viharana, are definitely present in the mind of a mother.The loving concept known as child grief is meaningful in this interpretation. That's why Buddhism called Brahmani Mata Pitho similar to the supreme concept of mother and father couple called Maha Brahma.

According to Buddhist philosophy, gestation is the time when the basic process of birth of the animal takes place and ends. A basic teaching of Buddhism called Patichcha Samuppadaya analyses the existence of animal life into a system of twelve forms.

Avijja Pacchaya Sankhara, Sankhara Pacchaya Vijnana, Vinnana Paccaya Nama Rupa, Nama Rupa Pacchaya Salayatana, Salayatana Pachaya Phasso, Phassa Pacchaya Vedana, Vedana Pachaya Tanha, Tanha Pachaya Upadana, Upadana Pachaya Bhavo, Bhavacchaya Jati, Jati Paccaya JaraMarana Soka Parideva Dukkha Domanaspasusa sambawanthi.

Let's examine this simple idea and understand the basic importance of pregnancy.

Karma accumulates due to Vidyava or foolishness. When the generation of consciousness or mind formed according to karmas is connected with an embryo, nama rupa appears. Nama rupa is (the two mind and body) due to the union of these two or Salayatana or the entities of eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind appear. Why is this organ expressed separately about it without talking about the rest of the body? That is because the transactions with the world of images, sounds, smells, tastes, touches and objects take place through this.

The teaching of Paticcasamuppada is that with the emergence of the above-mentioned senses, touch occurs, piercing due to touch, attachment due to feeling, and existence of the world due to attachment. According to this, the most obvious fact that we can conclude is that the birth of the animal has taken place in the womb itself before being born from the mother's womb. According to Buddhism, the foetus that arrived in the womb is a living being. That is why Buddhism accepted abortion as murder.

After pressing a horsehair in an oil pan and shaking it three times, even if it is as small as a little oil left at the end of the horsehair, it is accepted as an embryo. According to these facts, the pregnant mother deals with the child mentally just as she is physically connected with her child. Both Buddhism and psychology have confirmed that the mother's thoughts and wishes affect the child growing in her womb.

It is a fact that the Buddhist society unquestionably accepts that when the pregnant mother takes refuge in a sila according to Buddhist principles and lives with respect for the principles and lives in a pure intention based on kindness and compassion, virtuous, beautiful and intelligent children will be born.


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