How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Evolutionism and Buddhism - Buddhist view of evolution

Describe evolution.This will be described in various ways by different people. Change is the definition of evolution. It is a product of transformation's cultural origin. Many different prefixes and suffixes are used with this form. As a result, this word's meaning remains relatively constant while also having multiple meanings.

such as co-evolution and evolution

However, it is now frequently employed to explain biological evolution. With regard to the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace stand out. However, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's hypothesis of evolution is also regarded as significant in science. I believe it is necessary to first comprehend this biological process.

Simply described, bioevolution is the process through which organisms' architecture and behaviours organically adapt to the ecosystems they live in. Many arguments were made to explain this, but they were quickly abandoned because the then-current religions were utterly opposed to all evolutionism, or, to put it simply, the name evolution. Because, in their interpretation, God created the universe and animals in the same manner as they are today. As a result, this truth—which was visually obvious—was persistently hidden.

At this period, Lamarck's idea, which was crucial for explaining the theory of evolution, was developed. Since everyone is familiar with the situation surrounding the giraffe's neck stretching, I won't need to explain it. Now it has been turned down. The stem cell alterations are not inherited, which is the cause. In other words, a change in an organism must affect the reproductive cells if it is to be passed on to the following generation.

Charles Darwin, a key figure in biology, put forth the theory of natural selection (Alfred Wallace did it independently as well). This has not yet been refuted. Genetics added to this constantly developing idea. Everyone now accepts this logic without question. No one who disagrees has presented a convincing defence. The following is this argument.

two presumptions.

1. Reproduction potential is high in biological populations

2. However, very few of the group procreate.

*As a result, a population competes with one another for adaption (resources, food), and reproduction.

two second suppositions

3. There are differences among the organisms in a species as well as similarities.

4. As a result, organisms with the best characteristics can adapt to their environment, evolve over a long period of time, and produce numerous offspring with unique traits.

Simply put, not all animals on our planet are the same. subject to modification. Analytically, it is what is made clear. Now consider how Buddhism makes reference to this. This formula is not widely used. So I bring this up. The Vepulla Pambata Sutra of the Sanyutta Sect's Anamatagga Sanyutta.

One of the five big rocks that encircle Rajagaha city is called Vepulla Rock. Isigili, Vehara, Pandava, and Gijjakuta round up the group.

Lord Buddha spoke to the monks while pointing to the Vepulla rock and stated.

He said that the Kakusanda Buddha lived while this rock was present. However, this rock's previous name was Prachina Vansa (Eastern Sign). These people weren't around then; instead, there existed another race known as the Tiwaru. They were the ancestors of Kakusanda Buddha. They climb the Vepulla rock in 4 days and descend in another 4 days. These things got worse over time.

It was a while before Konagama Buddha came, and there were no Thivas then. Konagamana Thero came from a group of people known as Rohitassa at that time. They used this rock in a certain way. They ascend this rock in three days and descend it in three days, which sets them apart from the Tiras people.They soon vanished, followed by the final Rohitassa.

The Suppiyas were a different species of animal that Kasyapa Buddha kept. They spend two days ascending and descending this rock. As soon as they can descend, the current population may ascend the Veepulla rock. They're known as Magadhaks. Lord Buddha concluded by stating that nothing exists forever. the absence of any living representation of any of the ancient gods. This demonstrates that individuals who discussed the human constitution at the time were not all living people. It will be clear that their differences in size also apply to their bodies. A different article will likely contain material about humans and the human species in Buddhism.

The purpose of preaching this sutra was to emphasise the transience of all things. Anamatagga is grasping the significance. Let's contrast this with modern science. However, the Tripitaka contains this information from a time when it was thought that every living thing had remained this way throughout time.

This is an additional justification for the reality of this planet. That is how unstable time is.

Today's scientists employ a very basic piece of technology to calculate the passage of time. But nobody challenges it. That is how radioactive isotopes decay. However, time is more intricate than that. Time would grow like the cosmos did if it had started at the beginning. The angle at which the clock hands spin, which we measure as time, is not the actual unit of time. The second gets shorter over time. But our senses are unable to detect it. If you think about it that way, the 13.3 billion years that are currently thought to be the world's age will be many kalpas.


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