
Showing posts with the label Buddha Quotes

How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Important life lessons from the Buddhist tradition

Buddha's tradition provides us with valuable examples and makes our life rich. Buddha's tradition is like an ocean of examples for the whole world. We can only take a drop of water from that great ocean. The first example that Lord Buddha gave to the world was to show kindness. He looked at the Bodhi tree for a week and revealed that we should show kindness not only to animals but also to trees. Lord Buddha organised activities according to a daily routine. The importance of preparing a schedule to spend the whole day meaningfully is the example that comes from it. Here, what we need to do is to plan a routine that suits us and spend the day accordingly, so that we can spend our time in a very useful way. Because we can't get back the time that has passed, we should try to spend every moment meaningfully, that's why it's an organised life. Dealing with compassion for the world is another special quality found in Buddhist tradition. It is the nature of this virtue to

How to live by controlling the mind according to Buddhism

We all want to conquer life. We all want to live happily. They are happy. We must find the thing that cannot overcome our life, that destroys the joy of life. All the dharma matters related to life in this world and the hereafter are mentioned in various sutras preached by Lord Buddha. We all want to live happily in this world and the hereafter Will try. First of all, we need to understand that Buddhism is not a philosophy that applies only to conquering the afterlife. We can achieve the eternal comfort that we hope for in the education and development that is achieved through the Dhamma-based life built by the Dhamma that has been understood. Accordingly, the person who behaves according to the dharma is definitely protected by that dharma, which means that he is a good and righteous person. He becomes a person who is free from troubles and is respected by society. He becomes a truth-teller. Becomes a pious person. Lord Buddha has explained how to behave in Dharma through his exemplar

7 ways to get rid of sleepiness said by Buddha

7 ways to get rid of sleepiness said by Buddha Once upon a time, the great Mughalan thero lived in the forest near the village of Magadha Kallavalamutta; Tired of walking and meditating, he sat at the end of the walk and fell asleep. Seeing that the Mughalan were sleeping like that, the Lord Buddha sat down on the seat that had been placed there and said, "Moggallanya, are you going to fall asleep?" "Yes, Lord," replied Mughaln Thera. At that time, the Blessed One said the following things to Mughalan Mahathera. 1. Moggallana! If you feel sleepy while remembering something, do not remember it. When you do that, you can get rid of sleepiness. 2. Even if that sleepiness does not go away by doing so, you will start asking questions to remember the dharma you have heard and learned. Moggallana! By doing so, you can get rid of sleepiness. 3. Moggallana! While doing so, if your sleepiness has not gone away, recite the sermons you have heard in detail. By doing so, you c

According to Buddhism death is common to all

  The truth of life is taught in the dharma spoken by Lord Buddha. If the truth is told, there is a phenomenon there. But the world does not tell us the truth. In the world we always highlight a lie. The world gives us things that arouse our lust in a different world. If you talk to more people more, it will not be a phenomenon but a stir. People provoke us with hatred. We get hatred. People confuse us. We get plenty of delusions. We don't get what wisdom stages are. A good friend gives us what makes us wise. That good friend is our Lord Gautama Buddha. In a changing world, the one who lives in a lie cannot bear it. Lord Buddha preaches that when this life is over, human beings have come to this world. No one can tell when a person's life is over and when death will touch that life. No one can say that he will die at the time of death. He will die in the manner of death. He will die at the time of death. We all have dreams, sometimes we think that after raising children, I want

How did the Buddha attain great enlightenment

How did the Buddha attain great enlightenment Ascetic Siddhartha Thausa realized the middle path (walking the middle path away from both extremes of pleasure and excessive suffering) after practicing Anapanasati meditation (concentration on inhalation and exhalation). Seeing his emaciated appearance caused by suffering, the goddess Sujata, who mistook him for a god who had fulfilled her wish, presented him with a gift of "Kiripidu"( milk powder). Then Siddhartha Tausano decided to sit at the root of the Asatu tree, now known as the Bodhi tree in Buddhgaya, and not get up until he found the truth. Thinking that he had abandoned the search for truth, Kondangna and the other four ascetics left his discipleship. After 49 days of meditation, he attained enlightenment at the age of 35. According to some, it happened in the fifth lunar month, and according to others, it happened in the twelfth  month. Gautama Bodhisattvas were then known as Buddha, or "Enlightened One". In

Buddhism is a religion of youth

There is a wrong idea in the society that a person should start his religious life after reaching the age of youth. Therefore, the two words 'upasaka' and 'upasika', which are commonly used to refer to the lay people in Buddhism, are limited to the elderly in current usage. If a young man listens to sermons and cultivates a righteous life, why is the girl disappointed in the world right now? He has to hear sarcastic remarks from his peers like In the temples on Poya days, the elderly people are mostly seen.   Elderly people who spend the twilight of their lives in leisure are more inclined towards religion. According to this, some people think that Buddhism is a religion that applies to people who are close to the afterlife after suffering all the hardships of life. It is wrong to think so.   Buddhism is a great religion that can be applied to everyday life, which is equally useful for young and old alike. Prince Sidhu is a young man. He became a Buddha at a young age