
Showing posts with the label Love

How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Buddhist teachings on love and marriage

Buddhism, a religion and philosophy originating in ancient India, offers various teachings on love and relationships. Some key advice includes: Cultivate compassion and kindness towards all beings, including your partner. Practice non-attachment and letting go of expectations, which can bring peace and stability to relationships. Develop mindfulness and awareness in your interactions, which can help avoid negative patterns and promote mutual understanding. Engage in honest communication and avoid causing harm to your partner through speech or actions. Embrace impermanence and understand that all things are constantly changing, including relationships. Cultivate wisdom and understanding of the nature of reality, which can help bring a deeper perspective to relationships. Practice generosity and giving, which can deepen love and bring happiness to both partners. In summary, Buddhist teachings emphasise the importance of developing inner qualities such as compassion, wisdom, and kindness,

Let's see love according to Buddhism

In today's complex social relations, it is extremely sad to see that 'love' or the affection between opposite sexes has become a perverted sensualism. Although the word 'love' refers to the mental states of desire, passion, there is a set of ideas that are felt along with the statement that someone loves someone. That is, we have a group of identifications with different meanings such as lust, courtship, desire, enjoyment, attachment, lust, etc. Psychoanalytically, the feeling of love is a motivation based on the principle of pleasure and pain. The feeling of being in love can be recognized as a fast-acting arousal mentality. Love formed by love between opposite sexes is based on family life, sexual satisfaction.Biologically it is a biochemical process. Psychologically a basic need. According to social and anthropological sciences, although the family is the foundation of the household, moral boundaries, behavioural behaviour are sanctioned by ethics. Buddhism indic