
Showing posts with the label Righteous life

How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Buddhist advice for the righteous life

  As a higher minded creature, man should think and act. For that it is necessary to control the senses. In order to understand the liberation or Nirvana in the basic teachings of the Buddha, the person must first appreciate righteousness. Eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, these senses can be used for good as well as for evil. The senses are peaceful because the righteous heart is always there. The source of comfort is righteousness. By trying to make everything in the universe one's own, hatred, anger and sorrow arise in man. Life is unstable. But the development of the spiritual qualities that man acquires is permanent. "Penupamang Kaya Miman Viditwa" Even if the body is destroyed like a foam in a stream of water, the good behaviour and seven ethics that a man should adopt in his life will never be destroyed. The first stanza of the Yamaka section of the Dhamma verse emphasises that he follows him like a shadow that never leaves him (Chhayava ana paini). Lord Buddha present