
How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

Buddha's Advice for Love and Marriage

  Some define love as the pursuit of objects that bring about one's own existence and comfort, and the selfish pursuit of those objects and the pursuit of them. Love can also be defined as the attachment of a person to another person in the form of intentions, and the emotional state of the mind in order to protect the objects that help one to achieve one's expectations. Every animal has a sense of self-preservation, which is the protection of a set of hopes, which are based on the desire for pleasure, which is the main purpose of one's life. Pulling towards the fulfillment of those aspirations is also defined by some as 'love'. The unique concept of love, nurtured by the noble concepts of loyalty, obedience, achievement of both goals, education, etc., can be defined as a continuous living process that transforms man into a human being. The concept of Maitreya taught in Buddhism also seems to be rich in the sublime concept of love. Buddhism, which describes love and

Psychology and Buddha Teaching

Psychology is A fraction of Buddhism. Psychology is Behaviors of people As individuals and Taken as a group By surveys conducted Conclusions drawn. Brain and nervous system Made about Medical science Except for studies Psychology As a science or Unacceptable A fluid science. Psychology is Tighten the top of the ridge Possible though I do not know that An accomplished carpenter Waiting to behave like a paranoid Adopted within that limit Lateral knowledge.  To human society, Especially to pagans and For those who do not understand Buddhism It does some service. The Buddha discovered the mind Or by the behaviors of others Not with survey question papers. Looks at his own mind. Whether what he says is true We have to find out Looks at his own mind. The classifications he made To psychologists With their knowledge Can't even touch. Psychologists Called the mind From the human mind Which is about five to ten per cent Only the upper mind. The rest covered with dirt They are called Man

The birth of the Supreme Buddha is very rare

The birth of the Supreme Buddha is very rare          The descent of a Samma Sambuddha into this world is extremely rare. It is also rare to have an intelligent life. Also, it is extremely rare to hear that great Dhamma. The rare opportunity to encounter that sublime Dhamma in the life of an intelligent human being is called instant wealth. The chances of the wandering animal losing this instantaneous wealth are high. When a real Arahath Samma Sambuddha descends into this world and preaches this pure Dhamma in the beginning, the middle and the end, if an animal is born in hell, if it is born in the animal world, if it is born in the unconscious plane, but in the realm where the human world Dhamma is heard. If one is born superstitious, if one is born ignorant in a place where the human world hears the Dhamma, then that animal loses the rare opportunity to understand this Dhamma. So dear, think for a moment, In that sense, there are many instances in the world where this instantaneous w

What is Buddhism?

                    What is Buddhism  The word Buddhism or Buddha is derived from the word 'Buddhi'. It means to be awake. Therefore, Buddhism is the philosophy of staying awake or spending time consciously. Buddhism is the religion that Siddhartha Gautama or the Buddha realized when he was 35 years old. Buddhism, which is over 2500 years old, is practiced by over 300 million followers worldwide. About a hundred years ago, Buddhism was restricted to a few Asian countries, but since then Buddhism has spread rapidly in Europe and the United States. Buddhism in BC The Dhamma was preached by Gautama Buddha, who appeared in India around the 5th century. He was able to comprehend the realities of the world without the external help of anyone due to the extraordinary wisdom born of mental concentration. The message in the sermons of the Buddha is very clear. It says that the existence of this life, which is constantly being born and dies, is very miserable and that we should enter i

The image of Buddha will appear in the corner of your eye

The image of Buddha will appear in the corner of your eye       It is extremely rare for a nomadic animal to become human. It is even rarer for a person who has become a human being to have an enlightenment period. It is very rare for a person born in an era where a Buddha was born to hear a Buddhist verse. Only a few fortunate people who have done meritorious deeds before will attain the peace of the Buddha Sarana by applying the heard verse to their lives. Although it is extremely rare to hear about the birth of a human being, the birth of a Buddha, or hearing the Dhamma, it is very common to fall prey to superstitions such as theism and creationism. The Supreme Buddha has pointed out a number of instances where not only deluded people but also some deities have fallen prey to superstitious views and lost the comfort of this world and the hereafter. A person is not wise just because he is a king or a singer, a musician or a dancer. Only a person who is capable of recognizing the meri

Valuable service to the world since the birth of Gautama Buddha

Valuable service to the world since the birth of Gautama Buddha             From the time of enlightenment, according to the very words 'Atthaya, Hitaya, Sukhaya Deva Manussanang', the people of the world began to preach purple in order to further develop their material wealth, economic wealth and to create a friendly society by following each other in a friendly and friendly manner. As Sasara sought, a group of related monks also gathered around him.It is a testament to the immense service rendered by the Buddha over forty-five years that no one on earth has ever been able to appreciate. The great service rendered by the birth of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha into the world cannot be overstated. Prince Siddhartha was born as the only son of King Suddhodana the Great, at a time when there was a long history of racial, caste, ethnic and tribal issues and a violent society with little regard for women. King Suddhodana was a righteous administrator. At that time, the Sakya dynasty r

What is Nibbana preached by Gautama Buddha

What is Nibbana preached by Gautama Buddha              Nirvana (Nirvana) is the highest Dharma that Buddhists aspire to. Nirvana is the extinction of lust, hatred and delusion by a person. This can be confirmed by any Tripitaka sermon on Nibbana. The love and attachment to earthly pleasures can be called lust. Willingness to grasp the images, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and intentions that are constantly present and present in these senses: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind. The intense desire to get them back can be called lust or lust. Anger is the reluctance or anger towards something that one does not like or the person who opposes it. ▶Moha  Moha is the pursuit of salvation or consolation through unscriptural means. It is a delusion or delusion to wish for eternal comfort through open peace or belief in God, such as a dog or a cow. As long as this defilement dharma is firmly in the mind, the animal prolongs its life by being born and dying. So, even if one