
How the Digital Revolution is Shaping the Practice of Buddhism Today

Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions, emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of enlightenment. As technology rapidly transforms human societies, it is essential to explore how these advancements intersect with Buddhist principles. This article delves into the relationship between Buddhism and technology, examining both the benefits and challenges that arise from their convergence. Historical Context Historically, Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to adapt to various cultural and technological changes. From the oral transmission of teachings to the written scriptures on palm leaves and, later, printed books, Buddhism has continuously embraced new methods to disseminate its wisdom. Today, the digital age presents a new frontier for the spread and practice of Buddhism. Technology Enhancing Buddhist Practice Digital Dharma The internet has become a powerful tool for spreading Buddhist teachings globally. Websites, blogs, online courses, and social med

The best treatment for depression is meditation

Is meditation the best treatment for depression according to Buddhist advice? Nowadays, after facing some problem, some people are inclined to ruin their lives by saying that they cannot make up their minds. Buddhism shows that the world of the individual is degraded by stress and discomfort. Various treatment methods have been shown throughout the Tripitaka to relieve the mental pressure that man feels and to solve the problems.The main treatment is meditation. Mental health and spiritual development can be done through meditation. Meditation is growth, improvement. In this way, it is the heart and mind that improves and grows. Through meditation, there is growth as well as formation of the mind. is changing Everything we do, say and think is rooted in the mind. An untrained mind is like a fish taken out of water. At the same time, the heart also throbs, dances and throbs. Refers to evil. But the one who has developed the mind through meditation controls the mind. The five senses are

Buddhist advice on how to deal with difficult emotions

  It is difficult to understand this trinity for people who have gone to the extremes of enjoying temporary worldly pleasures. But that is the reality of the world. Understanding that, there is no method in Buddhism to obtain happiness other than Nirvana, which is achieved after completing this journey of suffering and suffering. So this trinity of anithya, dukkha and anatma should be understood. The three characteristics can be pointed out as a doctrine that all Buddhists should immediately understand. That is because we all already belong to the three characteristics. But what are the three characteristics in today's society? Having people who do not understand is not enough for the name of Buddhist. The simple meaning of "Buddhist" is "intelligent". 1) Impermanence(anithya) Impermanence(anithya)is the first of the three characteristics. Impermanent means not permanent. That is, there is no permanent or permanent being or object in the world. An example can be

Similarities between the teachings of Buddha and Jesus

Similarities between the teachings of Buddha and Jesus  🔶Both Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus have said that one should use their mind to find the truth alone.  🔷Don't believe something because I said something, or because you heard it somewhere, or because someone said it. Confidence should be determined by your personal agreement. 🔶Both Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus declared that envy was condemned and kindness was encouraged. 🔷Do not envy others. He who envies others does not live happily. 🔶Both Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus have stated that the mind governs the physical. 🔷Every man is the destiny of his happiness or misery. 🔶Both Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus said that life is a place full of trials and kindness is great.  🔷Be kind to all beings without distinction between rich and poor. Some people suffer a lot, others a little.  🔶Both Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus have stated that mental strength is very important.  🔷He who thinks he can, has the ability. 🔶Both Lord Buddha and Jesu

How to get over a breakup - Buddhist advice on breakup

How to get over a breakup - Buddhist advice on breakup  Breakup  One of the biggest problems that a young person can face is a sudden breakup / or the one who really loves is moving away. It is difficult for many people who face this kind of experience at a really young age to manage this experience properly. In short, it is unbearable. What I am going to say can be a girl or a boy, it is common to both. The first thing is what is love? What is a breakup? This love is the beginning of a chemical process in the brain for someone we like and love. In a way, this is a trap. It is like long-term use of a drug. When you think this is love, it is also caused by passion. Sometimes, if this process is caused by someone, this process will continue for a long time, and the same lifestyle we used to live will also change with this.We don't feel it. But when someone is married because of love or desire, the life after that is completely different from the life before it. Day by day this flows

Buddha's Gratitude - History of Gratitude in Theravada Buddhism

If someone has helped you, doing something in return for that help is called gratitude. Lord Buddha has preached that people who consider merit are very rare in society. In the Dullabha Patibhava Sutra of the Third Pannasaka of the Anguttara Sect, "Tinnan Bhikkhave Pathubhavo Dullabho Lokasming", monks, there are three rare things in the world. First - the birth of a Samma Sambuddha. The second is the people who preach the Dharma preached by the Tathagata.  The third - people who know what they have done, remember what they have done, and are grateful. Lord Buddha preached. "Katannu Kathavedi Puggalo Dullabho Lokasming" states that the noble virtue of considering the merits of people in the world is very rare. He pointed out how great a quality it is to be grateful not only by preaching but also by acting. The Asatu tree helped Lord Buddha for a very short time. A normal person can think why that tree helped? When people travel, they stop in the middle of a tree tha

Gauthama Buddha's Buddha bowl

Gauthama Buddha's Buddha bowl The bowl which Lord Buddha used to bury gifts and to grow rice during his stay in Dambadiwa, he gave his bowl as a souvenir to the people of Vaishali city who constantly offered him support on the way to Kusinara to drink. The details of this are recorded in the reports written by Major General Alexander Cunningham after a visit to North and South Bihar in 1880-1881. Monk Fahian and Hyunsan recorded that the bowl was placed in a Buddhist temple in Vaishali, and that the farmers of Vaishali made it a ritual to offer the top part of their harvest to this bowl. Chinese traveling Buddhist scholars Fahian Monk and Hyunsan Monk have recorded various facts about this giant Buddha bowl and its origin. This Buddha bowl has been in the Buddhist temple of Vaishali for about five centuries. According to Taranath, a Tibbatha Buddhist monk and scholar in the sixteenth century, King Kanishka of Kushan attacked Pataliputra in the first century. King Kanishka won this

How did the Buddha attain great enlightenment

How did the Buddha attain great enlightenment Ascetic Siddhartha Thausa realized the middle path (walking the middle path away from both extremes of pleasure and excessive suffering) after practicing Anapanasati meditation (concentration on inhalation and exhalation). Seeing his emaciated appearance caused by suffering, the goddess Sujata, who mistook him for a god who had fulfilled her wish, presented him with a gift of "Kiripidu"( milk powder). Then Siddhartha Tausano decided to sit at the root of the Asatu tree, now known as the Bodhi tree in Buddhgaya, and not get up until he found the truth. Thinking that he had abandoned the search for truth, Kondangna and the other four ascetics left his discipleship. After 49 days of meditation, he attained enlightenment at the age of 35. According to some, it happened in the fifth lunar month, and according to others, it happened in the twelfth  month. Gautama Bodhisattvas were then known as Buddha, or "Enlightened One". In